Ryan Davis
Actual announcements are on http://blog.zenspider.com/
Copy/paste job below:
I am releasing ParseTree 1.3.3 today in preparation of our ruby2c
release (also today). Changes in ParseTree are minor, but necessary for
ParseTree is a C extension (using RubyInline) that extracts the parse
tree for an entire class or a specific method and returns it as a
s-expression (aka sexp) using ruby's arrays, strings, symbols, and
As an example:
def conditional1(arg1)
if arg1 == 0 then
return 1
return 0
[:args, :arg1],
[:call, [:lvar, :arg1], :==, [:array, [:lit, 0]]],
[:return, [:lit, 1]],
[:return, [:lit, 0]]]]]
+ Uses RubyInline, so it just drops in.
+ Includes SexpProcessor and CompositeSexpProcessor.
+ Allows you to write very clean filters.
+ Includes show.rb, which lets you quickly snoop code.
+ Includes abc.rb, which lets you get abc metrics on code.
+ abc metrics = numbers of assignments, branches, and calls.
+ whitespace independent metric for method complexity.
+ Only works on methods in classes/modules, not arbitrary code.
+ Does not work on the core classes, as they are not ruby (yet).
+ 3 minor enhancement
+ Cleaned up parse_tree_abc output
+ Patched up null class names (delegate classes are weird!)
+ Added UnknownNodeError and switched SyntaxError over to it.
+ 2 bug fixes
+ Fixed BEGIN node handling to recurse instead of going flat.
+ FINALLY fixed the weird compiler errors seen on some versions of
gcc 3 .4.x related to type punned pointers.
Releasing ruby2c 1.0.0 beta 1
After far too long, I finally have the dubious honor of releasing
ruby2c 1.0.0 beta 1 today. I'm itching to do it, we really need to get
it out there so people can get their eyes on it and give us feedback.
I'm also nervous as hell... the thing is a mess!
Understand what we mean by beta. It means we need eyes on it, it means
it was ready enough to put out in the wild, but it also means that it
isn't ready for any real use.
What can it do?
Well, currently it can pass all of its unit tests (325 tests with 512
assertions) and it can translate nice simple static algorithmic code
into C without much problem. For example:
& cat x.rb
class Something
def blah; return 2+2; end
def main; return blah; end
& ./translate.rb x.rb > x.c
& gcc -I /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/powerpc-darwin x.c
x.c: In function `main':
x.c:17: warning: return type of `main' is not `int'
& ./a.out
& echo $?
What can it not do?
More than it can.
It can't (and won't) translate dynamic code. Period. That is simply not
the intent.
It probably can't translate a lot of static code that we simply haven't
come across or anticipated yet. Our tests cover a fair amount, our
validation runs cover a lot more than that, but it is still fairly
idiomatic ruby and that puts us at being better at certain styles of
coding and much worse at others.
It is also simply rough around the edges. We've rounded out the rdoc
but haven't done a thing for general documentation yet. These are on
our list, and rather high on our priority list, but we just haven't had
the time yet. For now, check out the rdoc and the PDF presentation that
we've had up for a while.
PLEASE: file bugs! We need feedback and we'd like to be able to track
it. The ruby2c project is on rubyforge and I'm getting the trackers set
up today as well.
Copy/paste job below:
I am releasing ParseTree 1.3.3 today in preparation of our ruby2c
release (also today). Changes in ParseTree are minor, but necessary for
ParseTree is a C extension (using RubyInline) that extracts the parse
tree for an entire class or a specific method and returns it as a
s-expression (aka sexp) using ruby's arrays, strings, symbols, and
As an example:
def conditional1(arg1)
if arg1 == 0 then
return 1
return 0
[:args, :arg1],
[:call, [:lvar, :arg1], :==, [:array, [:lit, 0]]],
[:return, [:lit, 1]],
[:return, [:lit, 0]]]]]
+ Uses RubyInline, so it just drops in.
+ Includes SexpProcessor and CompositeSexpProcessor.
+ Allows you to write very clean filters.
+ Includes show.rb, which lets you quickly snoop code.
+ Includes abc.rb, which lets you get abc metrics on code.
+ abc metrics = numbers of assignments, branches, and calls.
+ whitespace independent metric for method complexity.
+ Only works on methods in classes/modules, not arbitrary code.
+ Does not work on the core classes, as they are not ruby (yet).
+ 3 minor enhancement
+ Cleaned up parse_tree_abc output
+ Patched up null class names (delegate classes are weird!)
+ Added UnknownNodeError and switched SyntaxError over to it.
+ 2 bug fixes
+ Fixed BEGIN node handling to recurse instead of going flat.
+ FINALLY fixed the weird compiler errors seen on some versions of
gcc 3 .4.x related to type punned pointers.
Releasing ruby2c 1.0.0 beta 1
After far too long, I finally have the dubious honor of releasing
ruby2c 1.0.0 beta 1 today. I'm itching to do it, we really need to get
it out there so people can get their eyes on it and give us feedback.
I'm also nervous as hell... the thing is a mess!
Understand what we mean by beta. It means we need eyes on it, it means
it was ready enough to put out in the wild, but it also means that it
isn't ready for any real use.
What can it do?
Well, currently it can pass all of its unit tests (325 tests with 512
assertions) and it can translate nice simple static algorithmic code
into C without much problem. For example:
& cat x.rb
class Something
def blah; return 2+2; end
def main; return blah; end
& ./translate.rb x.rb > x.c
& gcc -I /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/powerpc-darwin x.c
x.c: In function `main':
x.c:17: warning: return type of `main' is not `int'
& ./a.out
& echo $?
What can it not do?
More than it can.
It can't (and won't) translate dynamic code. Period. That is simply not
the intent.
It probably can't translate a lot of static code that we simply haven't
come across or anticipated yet. Our tests cover a fair amount, our
validation runs cover a lot more than that, but it is still fairly
idiomatic ruby and that puts us at being better at certain styles of
coding and much worse at others.
It is also simply rough around the edges. We've rounded out the rdoc
but haven't done a thing for general documentation yet. These are on
our list, and rather high on our priority list, but we just haven't had
the time yet. For now, check out the rdoc and the PDF presentation that
we've had up for a while.
PLEASE: file bugs! We need feedback and we'd like to be able to track
it. The ruby2c project is on rubyforge and I'm getting the trackers set
up today as well.