Georg Brandl
We're pleased to announce that
Pocoo 0.1 (beta) was released today (Sept. 10, 2006).
Pocoo <http://www.pocoo.org/> is a bulletin board software (aka. message board)
written in Python, adhering to the WSGI standard. In the long term, it is meant
to compete with systems like phpBB.
It provides an advanced plugin system with a component architecture which
allows other developers to modify Pocoo to their liking without the need to
touch existing source code. Building upon SQLAlchemy, Pocoo is able to
use either MySQL, SQLite, Oracle or Postgres as the storage backend.
The 0.1 release is not meant to be feature complete. It's more like a preview
to show off what's already there. If you like the idea, *feel free to join us!*
Currently implemented:
* Support for either flat or threaded post view
* URLs are very readable, furthermore one URL works for both flat and
threaded view
* Support for JSONRPC and XmlHTTPRequest to dynamically fetch data where
useful while having a fallback for non-JS users
* Very powerful plugin system
* Extensible authentication system
* WSGI compliancy
* Database support for MySQL, Sqlite, Postgres, Oracle
* BBCode/rst/safehtml parsers for markup
* Javascript editors for the markup
* Avatar support
* User profiles and settings
Planned features
.... can be found in the Idea Pool at http://trac.pocoo.org/wiki/IdeaPool.
Download the release at <http://www.pocoo.org/download>.
Georg Brandl, on behalf of the Pocoo Team
Pocoo 0.1 (beta) was released today (Sept. 10, 2006).
Pocoo <http://www.pocoo.org/> is a bulletin board software (aka. message board)
written in Python, adhering to the WSGI standard. In the long term, it is meant
to compete with systems like phpBB.
It provides an advanced plugin system with a component architecture which
allows other developers to modify Pocoo to their liking without the need to
touch existing source code. Building upon SQLAlchemy, Pocoo is able to
use either MySQL, SQLite, Oracle or Postgres as the storage backend.
The 0.1 release is not meant to be feature complete. It's more like a preview
to show off what's already there. If you like the idea, *feel free to join us!*
Currently implemented:
* Support for either flat or threaded post view
* URLs are very readable, furthermore one URL works for both flat and
threaded view
* Support for JSONRPC and XmlHTTPRequest to dynamically fetch data where
useful while having a fallback for non-JS users
* Very powerful plugin system
* Extensible authentication system
* WSGI compliancy
* Database support for MySQL, Sqlite, Postgres, Oracle
* BBCode/rst/safehtml parsers for markup
* Javascript editors for the markup
* Avatar support
* User profiles and settings
Planned features
.... can be found in the Idea Pool at http://trac.pocoo.org/wiki/IdeaPool.
Download the release at <http://www.pocoo.org/download>.
Georg Brandl, on behalf of the Pocoo Team