ANN: PySmell v0.6 released


Orestis Markou

I'm happy to announce PySmell v0.6, an autocompletion library for
Python and Vim (other editors pending).

New features include:

* Import statement completion
* Support for multiple TAGS files (that means external libraries)
* Support for analysing Python 2.4-2.5 stdlib.

Plus many bugfixes and minor improvements.

Download link:

What is PySmell?

PySmell is a python IDE completion helper.

It tries to statically analyze Python source code, without executing it,
and generates information about a project's structure that IDE tools can

The first target is Vim, because that's what I'm using and because its
completion mechanism is very straightforward.

Download and Installation

PySmell's code is available at
[GitHub]( You can click
'Download' to get it as a zip/tar if you don't have git installed.

Extract and drop the pysmell package somewhere in your `PYTHONPATH`.
Distutils support coming soon - patches welcome!


To generate a PYSMELLTAGS file, use:

cd /root/of/project /dir/of/ .

If you want to specifically include or exclude some files or directories
(eg. tests), you can use:

/dir/of/ [Package Package File File ...] [-x Excluded
Excluded ...]

Check for more options by invoking `` without any arguments

Vim integration

To use PySmell omnicompletion from inside Vim, you have to have:

1. Python support
2. The pysmell package in your PYTHONPATH (sometimes
Vim is silly about this)
3. Source pysmell/pysmell.vim
4. `:set omnifunc=pysmell#Complete` Note: If you want to always use
pysmell for
python, do: `autocmd FileType python set omnifunc=pysmell#Complete`
5. [OPTIONAL] Select a matcher of your liking - look at pysmell.vim for
options. Eg: `:let g:pysmell_matcher='camel-case'`

You can then use ^X^O to invoke Vim's omnicompletion.

You can find more documentation in the README.markdown file.

Orestis Markou

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