`Pythonutils 0.2.5
<http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/pythonutils.html>`_ is now
**Pythonutils** is a pure-Python package containing several modules
that help with common programming tasks in Python.
This new release updates to :
* **ConfigObj** 4.1.0
* **odict** 0.2.1
* **validate** 0.2.1
* **pathutils** 0.2.4
* **cgiutils** 0.3.5
(Also included are standout and urlpath - which haven't been updated
since the last release).
<http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/pythonutils.html>`_ is now
**Pythonutils** is a pure-Python package containing several modules
that help with common programming tasks in Python.
This new release updates to :
* **ConfigObj** 4.1.0
* **odict** 0.2.1
* **validate** 0.2.1
* **pathutils** 0.2.4
* **cgiutils** 0.3.5
(Also included are standout and urlpath - which haven't been updated
since the last release).