== Abstract
RCtool is a small tool which makes/updates rcfiles automatically.
There is a rcfile in software each.
For example, it is .zshrc in zsh, .emacs in Emacs and so on.
Please think about the scene which introduces a new EmacsLisp program into Emacs.
You copy a .el file in the directory which is in load-path.
You have to write setting in .emacs last.
I think that update of .emacs is easy if you introduce it once.
However, please imagine a scene upgrading an EmacsLisp program.
When the EmacsLisp cord is largely modified, and setting did not have compatibility either, a user must modify .emacs by hand one by one.
Changing .emacs by hand is boring and error-prone; changing .emacs automatically without any notification is extremely rude.
RCtool takes over this troublesome work.
RCtool does the following work separately.
* RCtool makes the rcfiles based in contents of "the definition script", and modified one part of rcfiles in a backup directory.
* RCtool shows the difference between the original and the modified if you need it.
* RCtool overwrites with rcfiles last.
A user understands which part changed clearly.
A developer modifies the definition script and can offer appropriate rcfiles to a user.
It is available at
=== Download / Untar
Please execute the following commands.
ruby -ropen-uri -e 'URI("http://www.rubyist.net/~rubikitch/archive/rctool-1.0.0.tar.gz").read.display' | tar xzvf -
When you failed, please download it from the next link.
* ((<rctool-1.0.0.tar.gz|URL:http://www.rubyist.net/~rubikitch/archive/rctool-1.0.0.tar.gz>))
=== How to Incorporate RCtool
RCtool is not a thing to use alone in a property of a tool.
It is incorporated in a project.
Therefore there is not "an installer" of RCtool.
Please just copy rctool.rb in a directory of your project.
cp rctool-1.0.0/rctool.rb your-project-dir
== Abstract
RCtool is a small tool which makes/updates rcfiles automatically.
There is a rcfile in software each.
For example, it is .zshrc in zsh, .emacs in Emacs and so on.
Please think about the scene which introduces a new EmacsLisp program into Emacs.
You copy a .el file in the directory which is in load-path.
You have to write setting in .emacs last.
I think that update of .emacs is easy if you introduce it once.
However, please imagine a scene upgrading an EmacsLisp program.
When the EmacsLisp cord is largely modified, and setting did not have compatibility either, a user must modify .emacs by hand one by one.
Changing .emacs by hand is boring and error-prone; changing .emacs automatically without any notification is extremely rude.
RCtool takes over this troublesome work.
RCtool does the following work separately.
* RCtool makes the rcfiles based in contents of "the definition script", and modified one part of rcfiles in a backup directory.
* RCtool shows the difference between the original and the modified if you need it.
* RCtool overwrites with rcfiles last.
A user understands which part changed clearly.
A developer modifies the definition script and can offer appropriate rcfiles to a user.
It is available at
=== Download / Untar
Please execute the following commands.
ruby -ropen-uri -e 'URI("http://www.rubyist.net/~rubikitch/archive/rctool-1.0.0.tar.gz").read.display' | tar xzvf -
When you failed, please download it from the next link.
* ((<rctool-1.0.0.tar.gz|URL:http://www.rubyist.net/~rubikitch/archive/rctool-1.0.0.tar.gz>))
=== How to Incorporate RCtool
RCtool is not a thing to use alone in a property of a tool.
It is incorporated in a project.
Therefore there is not "an installer" of RCtool.
Please just copy rctool.rb in a directory of your project.
cp rctool-1.0.0/rctool.rb your-project-dir