Kevin Rutherford
Reek version 1.0.0 has been released!
Reek detects smells in Ruby code. It can be used as a stand-alone
command, or as a Rake task, or as an expectation in Rspec examples.
## Changes in this release:
### Major enhancements:
* Use *.reek files in source tree to configure Reek's behaviour
* Added -f option to configure report format
* --sort_order replaced by -f, -c and -s
* Matchers provided for rspec; eg. foo.should_not reek
### Minor enhancements:
* Smells in singleton methods are now analysed
* Uncommunicative parameter names in blocks now reported
* Modules and blocks now reflected in scope of smell reports
### Fixes:
* Corrected false reports of long arg lists to yield
* A method can now be a UtilityFunction only when it includes a call
## More information:
* http://wiki.github.com/kevinrutherford/reek
* http://reek.rubyforge.org/rdoc/
Reek version 1.0.0 has been released!
Reek detects smells in Ruby code. It can be used as a stand-alone
command, or as a Rake task, or as an expectation in Rspec examples.
## Changes in this release:
### Major enhancements:
* Use *.reek files in source tree to configure Reek's behaviour
* Added -f option to configure report format
* --sort_order replaced by -f, -c and -s
* Matchers provided for rspec; eg. foo.should_not reek
### Minor enhancements:
* Smells in singleton methods are now analysed
* Uncommunicative parameter names in blocks now reported
* Modules and blocks now reflected in scope of smell reports
### Fixes:
* Corrected false reports of long arg lists to yield
* A method can now be a UtilityFunction only when it includes a call
## More information:
* http://wiki.github.com/kevinrutherford/reek
* http://reek.rubyforge.org/rdoc/