Archiloque Archiloque
rest-client version 0.1 has been released!
rest-client is a simple REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework
syntax for specifying actions.
* new maintainer: Archiloque, the working repo is now at
* a mailing list has been created at (e-mail address removed) and an
freenode irc channel #rest-client
* François Beausoleil' multipart code from
http://github.com/francois/rest-client has been merged
* ability to use hash in hash as payload
* the mime-type code now rely on the mime-types gem
http://mime-types.rubyforge.org/ instead of an internal partial list
* 204 response returns a Response instead of nil (patch provided by
Elliott Draper)
All changes exept the last one should be fully compatible with the
previous version.
NOTE: due to a dependency problem and to the last change, heroku users
should update their heroku gem to >= 1.5.3 to be able to use this
Project: http://github.com/archiloque/rest-client
rest-client is a simple REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework
syntax for specifying actions.
* new maintainer: Archiloque, the working repo is now at
* a mailing list has been created at (e-mail address removed) and an
freenode irc channel #rest-client
* François Beausoleil' multipart code from
http://github.com/francois/rest-client has been merged
* ability to use hash in hash as payload
* the mime-type code now rely on the mime-types gem
http://mime-types.rubyforge.org/ instead of an internal partial list
* 204 response returns a Response instead of nil (patch provided by
Elliott Draper)
All changes exept the last one should be fully compatible with the
previous version.
NOTE: due to a dependency problem and to the last change, heroku users
should update their heroku gem to >= 1.5.3 to be able to use this
Project: http://github.com/archiloque/rest-client