Yuichi Yoshida
Hi. I've released RType 0.2 today.
RType is another Ruby interpreter written in Haskell.
Now, RType can imitate
* all kind of variables
* [Integer, String, Fixnum, Regexp].each
* class and method definition
* if unless while until case
* yield, block
* exception (begin ~ rescue ~ end and raise)
You can download RType from the following web site.
* http://mono.kmc.gr.jp/~oxy/hiki.cgi?rtype_en
RType requires ghc >= 6.4, and it's little hard to install.
So, the binary package is also provided (for Linux i386).
* http://mono.kmc.gr.jp/~oxy/archive/rtype-bin-0.2.0.gz
RType is another Ruby interpreter written in Haskell.
Now, RType can imitate
* all kind of variables
* [Integer, String, Fixnum, Regexp].each
* class and method definition
* if unless while until case
* yield, block
* exception (begin ~ rescue ~ end and raise)
You can download RType from the following web site.
* http://mono.kmc.gr.jp/~oxy/hiki.cgi?rtype_en
RType requires ghc >= 6.4, and it's little hard to install.
So, the binary package is also provided (for Linux i386).
* http://mono.kmc.gr.jp/~oxy/archive/rtype-bin-0.2.0.gz