Gordon Thiesfeld
Subject: [ANN] ruby-wmi 0.2.2 Released
ruby-wmi version 0.2.2 has been released!
* <by Gordon Thiesfeld>
* <http://ruby-wmi.rubyforge.org/>
* <[email protected]>
ruby-wmi is an ActiveRecord style interface for Microsoft's Windows
Management Instrumentation provider.
Many of the methods in WMI::Base are borrowed directly, or with some
modification from ActiveRecord.
The major tool in this library is the #find method. For more
information, see WMI::Base.
There is also a WMI.sublasses method included for reflection purposes.
## 0.2.2 / 2008-01-11
* 1 major enhancement
* supports privileges
events = WMI::Win32_NTLogEvent.find(
rivileges => [WMI:rivilege::Security],
:conditions => {:logfile => 'Security', :eventcode => '517'} )
* minor enhancements
* added error handling for invalid queries and class name typos
* better documentation
* <by Gordon Thiesfeld>
* <http://ruby-wmi.rubyforge.org/>
* <[email protected]>
ruby-wmi version 0.2.2 has been released!
* <by Gordon Thiesfeld>
* <http://ruby-wmi.rubyforge.org/>
* <[email protected]>
ruby-wmi is an ActiveRecord style interface for Microsoft's Windows
Management Instrumentation provider.
Many of the methods in WMI::Base are borrowed directly, or with some
modification from ActiveRecord.
The major tool in this library is the #find method. For more
information, see WMI::Base.
There is also a WMI.sublasses method included for reflection purposes.
## 0.2.2 / 2008-01-11
* 1 major enhancement
* supports privileges
events = WMI::Win32_NTLogEvent.find(
rivileges => [WMI:rivilege::Security],
:conditions => {:logfile => 'Security', :eventcode => '517'} )
* minor enhancements
* added error handling for invalid queries and class name typos
* better documentation
* <by Gordon Thiesfeld>
* <http://ruby-wmi.rubyforge.org/>
* <[email protected]>