Ryan Davis
vlad version 1.0.0 has been released!
* <http://rubyhitsquad.com/>
* <http://rubyforge.org/projects/hitsquad/>
Vlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation,
without mercy. Much like Capistrano, but with 1/10th the
complexity. Vlad integrates seamlessly with Rake, and uses familiar
and standard tools like ssh and rsync.
Impale your application on the heartless spike of the Deployer.
* Full deployment automation stack.
* Supports single server deployment with just 4 variables defined.
* Very few dependencies. All simple.
* Uses ssh with your ssh settings already in place.
* Uses rsync for efficient transfers.
* Run remote commands on one or more servers.
* Syncs files to one or more servers.
* Mix and match local and remote tasks.
* Built on rake. easy.
* Compatible with all of your tab completion shell script rake-tastic
* Ships with tests that actually pass.
* Engine is under 500 lines of code.
* Super uper simple.
* Does NOT support Windows right now. Coming soon in 1.1.
* This is 1.0.0... expect rough edges.
## 1.0.0 / 2007-08-04
* 1 major enhancement
* Birthday!
* <http://rubyhitsquad.com/>
* <http://rubyforge.org/projects/hitsquad/>
* <http://rubyhitsquad.com/>
* <http://rubyforge.org/projects/hitsquad/>
Vlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation,
without mercy. Much like Capistrano, but with 1/10th the
complexity. Vlad integrates seamlessly with Rake, and uses familiar
and standard tools like ssh and rsync.
Impale your application on the heartless spike of the Deployer.
* Full deployment automation stack.
* Supports single server deployment with just 4 variables defined.
* Very few dependencies. All simple.
* Uses ssh with your ssh settings already in place.
* Uses rsync for efficient transfers.
* Run remote commands on one or more servers.
* Syncs files to one or more servers.
* Mix and match local and remote tasks.
* Built on rake. easy.
* Compatible with all of your tab completion shell script rake-tastic
* Ships with tests that actually pass.
* Engine is under 500 lines of code.
* Super uper simple.
* Does NOT support Windows right now. Coming soon in 1.1.
* This is 1.0.0... expect rough edges.
## 1.0.0 / 2007-08-04
* 1 major enhancement
* Birthday!
* <http://rubyhitsquad.com/>
* <http://rubyforge.org/projects/hitsquad/>