[ANN] Rubytet-0.0.1 released!



RubyTet is a tetris clone. It is intended to be a reference
implementation for my RbGooey library. License is under the GPLv3.

Made with 100% fresh Ruby code and guaranteed to be totally libre! If
it is not totally libre like I said, I'll send you a refund of
percisely $0.00, the full price of this game!

<a href="http://kibabase.libregamewiki.org/index.php/

The website have link to git access, bugtracker, and download. Email
me for feedback, comments, insult etc at (e-mail address removed).

==INSTALLION(Debian based GNU/Linux Distro)==
You will need Rubygem to accomplish this task.

1. To install rubygame:
1. sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-all libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-gfx1.2-
dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev
1.2 You may also need to install libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio
2. sudo gem install rubygame --platform=ruby
2. sudo gem install rbgooey
3.Unzip the file to a desired location, and then run rubytet.rb to
play the game.

All the other dependencies and their website are listed below in the
next section.

ruby http://ruby-lang.org
rubygame http://rubygame.sourceforge.net
--Required libsdl-mixer1.2-dev
--Required libsdl-gfx1.2-dev
--Required libsdl1.2-dev
--Required libsdl1.2-all
--Required libsdl-image1.2-dev
--Required libsdl-ttf2.0-dev

rbgooey http://kibabase.libregamewiki.org/index.php/RbGooey
1. Run the game.
2. You will be greeted by a titlescreen. Press enter or click on play
to continue.
3. To start a game, simply press enter.
4. Use spacebar to rotate the shape.
5. Press the down arrow key if you want a fast drop, otherwise it will
continues to fall slowly until it hit bottom.
6. Use left and right arrow key to manuver the position.
7. The drop will very slowly increase in speed over time.


RubyTet is a tetris clone. It is intended to be a reference
implementation for my RbGooey library. License is under the GPLv3.

Made with 100% fresh Ruby code and guaranteed to be totally libre! If
it is not totally libre like I said, I'll send you a refund of
percisely $0.00, the full price of this game!

<a href="http://kibabase.libregamewiki.org/index.php/

The website have link to git access, bugtracker, and download. Email
me for feedback, comments, insult etc at (e-mail address removed).

==INSTALLION(Debian based GNU/Linux Distro)==
You will need Rubygem to accomplish this task.

1. To install rubygame:
    1. sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-all libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-gfx1.2-
dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev
    1.2 You may also need to install libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio
    2. sudo gem install rubygame --platform=ruby
2. sudo gem install rbgooey
3.Unzip the file to a desired location, and then run rubytet.rb to
play the game.

All the other dependencies and their website are listed below in the
next section.

  --Required libsdl-mixer1.2-dev
  --Required libsdl-gfx1.2-dev
  --Required libsdl1.2-dev
  --Required libsdl1.2-all
  --Required libsdl-image1.2-dev
  --Required libsdl-ttf2.0-dev

1. Run the game.
2. You will be greeted by a titlescreen. Press enter or click on play
to continue.
3. To start a game, simply press enter.
4. Use spacebar to rotate the shape.
5. Press the down arrow key if you want a fast drop, otherwise it will
continues to fall slowly until it hit bottom.
6. Use left and right arrow key to manuver the position.
7. The drop will very slowly increase in speed over time.

Whoops. It seem that html doesn't work.

the homepage is http://kibabase.libregamewiki.org/index.php/RubyTet

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