Austin Ziegler
Ruwiki is an easy-to-configure, easy-to-use, and easy-to-extend Wiki written
in Ruby. It can run as a WEBrick servlet or as a CGI.
Ruwiki has been updated to version 0.6.1. In this version, the following
changes were made:
* Generalized storage type options.
* Added an optional configurable Wiki file extension for the flatfile
* Fixed incorrect references. I had been incorrectly attributing
[http://sourceforge.net/projects/rdoc-wiki RDoc Wiki] to Dave Thomas. RDoc
Wiki is by Michael Neumann. However, the project I pulled from *is* by
Dave Thomas, but it's [http://sourceforge.net/projects/rublog RubLog].
Apologies to both developers.
* Added RuwikiTemplatingLibrary documentation.
* Internationalized messages, except for the templating library.
* Added configuration API for future work surrounding features. The existing
wiki is mostly feature complete. Additional features (such as access
controls) will be added through the feature interface.
* Fixed project creation.
* Fixed problems with WikiWord links.
* Added Wikipedia-style Wiki links ([[list of words]]).
* Fixed a potential problem with re-posted data or saving without editing.
* Added the ability to put commands in the URL.
Ruwiki is available on RubyForge (http://www.rubyforge.org/projects/ruwiki).
in Ruby. It can run as a WEBrick servlet or as a CGI.
Ruwiki has been updated to version 0.6.1. In this version, the following
changes were made:
* Generalized storage type options.
* Added an optional configurable Wiki file extension for the flatfile
* Fixed incorrect references. I had been incorrectly attributing
[http://sourceforge.net/projects/rdoc-wiki RDoc Wiki] to Dave Thomas. RDoc
Wiki is by Michael Neumann. However, the project I pulled from *is* by
Dave Thomas, but it's [http://sourceforge.net/projects/rublog RubLog].
Apologies to both developers.
* Added RuwikiTemplatingLibrary documentation.
* Internationalized messages, except for the templating library.
* Added configuration API for future work surrounding features. The existing
wiki is mostly feature complete. Additional features (such as access
controls) will be added through the feature interface.
* Fixed project creation.
* Fixed problems with WikiWord links.
* Added Wikipedia-style Wiki links ([[list of words]]).
* Fixed a potential problem with re-posted data or saving without editing.
* Added the ability to put commands in the URL.
Ruwiki is available on RubyForge (http://www.rubyforge.org/projects/ruwiki).