Irmen de Jong
I'm happy to say that Snakelets 1.33 is available.
Snakelets is a very simple-to-use Python web application server.
This project provides a built-in threaded web server (so you don't
need to set up Apache or another web server), Ypages (HTML+Python
language, similar to Java's JSPs) and Snakelets: code-centric page
request handlers (similar to Java's Servlets).
Snakelets is fully unicode compatible and it's possible to run it
from a CD (read-only mode).
It's released under the open-source MIT Software license.
You can download from http://snakelets.sourceforge.net
(go to the SF project site, and then the file section).
Recent changes include:
* updated docs
* created a 'plugin' mechanism
* more convenient encoding handling
* minor bugfixes in webapp and session stuff and ypage parser
* manage webapp access logfile scanner fixed
* manage webapp shows logged in user name for each session
* many authentication/login improvements (might be incompatible
with older code. Consult the manual)
To start, edit the vhost config file (see docs) and
then run the serv.py script, or the monitor.py script
if you want to start it as a daemon (on Unix).
--Irmen de Jong.
P.S. if you want to see it in action, visit www.promozilla.nl
(the site is all Dutch though)
Snakelets is a very simple-to-use Python web application server.
This project provides a built-in threaded web server (so you don't
need to set up Apache or another web server), Ypages (HTML+Python
language, similar to Java's JSPs) and Snakelets: code-centric page
request handlers (similar to Java's Servlets).
Snakelets is fully unicode compatible and it's possible to run it
from a CD (read-only mode).
It's released under the open-source MIT Software license.
You can download from http://snakelets.sourceforge.net
(go to the SF project site, and then the file section).
Recent changes include:
* updated docs
* created a 'plugin' mechanism
* more convenient encoding handling
* minor bugfixes in webapp and session stuff and ypage parser
* manage webapp access logfile scanner fixed
* manage webapp shows logged in user name for each session
* many authentication/login improvements (might be incompatible
with older code. Consult the manual)
To start, edit the vhost config file (see docs) and
then run the serv.py script, or the monitor.py script
if you want to start it as a daemon (on Unix).
--Irmen de Jong.
P.S. if you want to see it in action, visit www.promozilla.nl
(the site is all Dutch though)