Patrick Hurley
[ANN] South East Michigan Ruby Brigade Meeting
For more information see our web site, http://rubymi.org/
Date: Monday, 5 February 2007, 7-8:30PM
Location: 1311 EECS, Ann Arbor
1. Talks
1. CRM Product Demo - by Carson Keith of MetaSprings
2. ActionWebService - by Patrick Hurley
2. RailsConf Planning (http://conferences.oreillynet.com/rails/)
3. Book give away
1. Ruby On Rails - Bruce Tate & Curt Hibbs (O'Reilly)
2. Ajax on Rails - Scott Raymond (O'Reilly)
4. Open Discussion
For more information see our web site, http://rubymi.org/
Date: Monday, 5 February 2007, 7-8:30PM
Location: 1311 EECS, Ann Arbor
1. Talks
1. CRM Product Demo - by Carson Keith of MetaSprings
2. ActionWebService - by Patrick Hurley
2. RailsConf Planning (http://conferences.oreillynet.com/rails/)
3. Book give away
1. Ruby On Rails - Bruce Tate & Curt Hibbs (O'Reilly)
2. Ajax on Rails - Scott Raymond (O'Reilly)
4. Open Discussion