[ANN] SQLite3/Ruby 1.0.0


Jamis Buck

Here it is, at last. Bright, shiny. I think I'm going to cry.

SQLite3/Ruby 1.0.0 is ready for public consumption. This release
doesn't really change very much from the 0.9 release:

* /usr/local installations of sqlite3 are now detected by default.

* Various BSDs are now supported by the DL version of the driver.

* Bind parameters are flattened before use, allowing both of the
following syntaxes:

db.execute( "...", 1, 2, 3 )
db.execute( "...", [1, 2, 3] )

A few very minor bugs have been fixed as well.

The most exciting part of this release (to me) is the
brand-spanking-new user manual:


Many, many thanks to Tobias Luetke for the excellent Hieraki software!

- Jamis

George Moschovitis

Great timing,

today I worked on a SQLite2 backend for Og :)
Perhaps I can switch to SQLite3 now.

Thanks for the release.


Jamis Buck

Great timing,

today I worked on a SQLite2 backend for Og :)
Perhaps I can switch to SQLite3 now.

Thanks for the release.


I'll be very interested in your experience writing an Og backend for
SQLite3. Please let me know how it goes!

- Jamis

Bil Kleb

Jamis said:
SQLite3/Ruby 1.0.0 is ready for public consumption.

The error message is little oblique,

$ sudo gem install sqlite3
Attempting local installation of 'sqlite3'
Local gem file not found: sqlite3*.gem
Attempting remote installation of 'sqlite3'
Updating Gem source index for: http://gems.rubyforge.org
Select which gem to install for your platform (i686-linux)
1. sqlite3-ruby 1.0.0 (ruby)
2. sqlite3-ruby 1.0.0 (mswin32)
3. sqlite3-ruby 0.9.0 (ruby)
4. sqlite3-ruby 0.9.0 (mswin32)
5. sqlite3-ruby 0.6.0 (ruby)
6. sqlite3-ruby 0.5.0 (ruby)
7. Cancel installation
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR: While executing gem ... (RuntimeError)
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
Gem files will remain installed in /usr/local/pkgs/ruby-1.8.2/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sqlite3-ruby-1.0.0 for inspection.
ruby extconf.rb install sqlite3\nchecking for sqlite3.h... no

Results logged to /usr/local/pkgs/ruby-1.8.2/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sqlite3-ruby-1.0.0/ext/sqlite3_api/gem_make.out

but even this bonehead can figure out that
I need to install SQLite3 first...


George Moschovitis

I'll be very interested in your experience writing an Og backend for
SQLite3. Please let me know how it goes!

I had some problems yesterday with SQLite2 (some strange table locks).
I 'll try again with v3 today, and contact you by email if I have a


George Moschovitis

I'll be very interested in your experience writing an Og backend for
SQLite3. Please let me know how it goes!

I had some problems yesterday with SQLite2 (some strange table locks).
I 'll try again with v3 today, and contact you by email if I have a


Andre Nathan

Bil Kleb said:
The error message is little oblique,

$ sudo gem install sqlite3

Gem files will remain installed in
for inspection.
ruby extconf.rb install sqlite3\nchecking for sqlite3.h... no

I had to do a

$ sudo gem install sqlite3 -- \
--with-sqlite3-include=/usr/local/include \

It's funny, because the extconf.rb has

dir_config( "sqlite3", "/usr/local", "/usr/local" )

When installing it from the source, changing it to

dir_config( "sqlite3", "/usr/local/include", "/usr/local/lib" )

made it work, but I always thought the just passing the prefix to mkmf
would be enough.


Bil Kleb

Andre said:
I had to do a

$ sudo gem install sqlite3 -- \
--with-sqlite3-include=/usr/local/include \

No such trouble here. After I saw ~64 of of ~2500 tests fail

tar zxf sqlite-3.0.8.tar.gz
cd sqlite-3.0.8
configure; make; make test; make install

I blindly forged ahead and my gem install went
off without a hitch[1] -- both 1.0.0 and 1.0.1.

Bil Kleb, Hampton, Virginia

^1^ That is, except for those darned RDoc dynamic
string warnings:

lib/sqlite3/database.rb:613:65: Skipping require of dynamic string: "sqlite3/driver/#{driver.to_s.downcase}/driver"

lib/sqlite3/database.rb:618:59: Skipping require of dynamic string: "sqlite3/driver/#{d.downcase}/driver"

Jamis Buck

Bil Kleb said:
The error message is little oblique,

$ sudo gem install sqlite3

Gem files will remain installed in
for inspection.
ruby extconf.rb install sqlite3\nchecking for sqlite3.h... no

I had to do a

$ sudo gem install sqlite3 -- \
--with-sqlite3-include=/usr/local/include \

It's funny, because the extconf.rb has

dir_config( "sqlite3", "/usr/local", "/usr/local" )

When installing it from the source, changing it to

dir_config( "sqlite3", "/usr/local/include", "/usr/local/lib" )

made it work, but I always thought the just passing the prefix to mkmf
would be enough.



I could have *sworn* that I had that working. But I can duplicate what
you are reporting, so...


<rant about mkmf.rb elided to protect innocent eyes />

Sorry. I'm definitely not at my best today--we're all sick over here,
and didn't get much sleep at all last night.

I'll do some more tinkering and release a 1.0.1 that fixes this.

- Jamis

Jamis Buck

Jamis Buck said:

Cool, thanks.

I noticed this when I started a rails tutorial that uses SQLite3:

irb(main):001:0> require "sqlite3"
=> true

irb(main):002:0> db = SQLite3::Database.open( "foo.db" )
=> #<SQLite3::Database:0x824b854 @closed=false,
@handle=#<DL::ptrData:0x0x8363940 ptr=0x0x8350800 size=0 free=0x0x0>,
@translator=nil, @statement_factory=SQLite3::Statement,
@type_translation=false, @results_as_hash=false,

irb(main):003:0> db2 = SQLite3::Database.open("bar.db")
NameError: uninitialized constant SQLite3::Driver::Native
from (irb):3:in `open'
from (irb):3

In the second Database.open, it tries to use the native driver,
although it used DL on the first one. If I force it to use DL, no
error happens.

Do you know what could be causing that? I'm using ruby 1.8.2 on
DragonFly here.

Yup, I think I know why this happens. I'm currently in the middle of
packing and releasing Net::SSH 1.0, but when I'm done with that I'll
work on fixing this error.

In the meantime, though, the workaround is as you
described--explicitly specify the DL driver.

Thanks for the report,


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