Greg Ewing
SuPy 1.3 Available
Changes in this version:
- Added the rest of the promised functionality to the menus module
(submenus and separators) and provided an example of its usage
in examples.py.
- The scheme for preserving variables using a __keep__ attribute
turned out to be fatally flawed. It has been replaced by a new
mechanism using a keep() function instead. See the section on
"Preserving Data" for details.
What is SuPy?
Changes in this version:
- Added the rest of the promised functionality to the menus module
(submenus and separators) and provided an example of its usage
in examples.py.
- The scheme for preserving variables using a __keep__ attribute
turned out to be fatally flawed. It has been replaced by a new
mechanism using a keep() function instead. See the section on
"Preserving Data" for details.
What is SuPy?