Jamis Buck
Syntax is a pure-Ruby framework for doing lexical analysis (and, in
particular, syntax highlighting) of text. It currently sports lexers
for Ruby, XML, and YAML, and an HTML convertor (for colorizing texts in
those languages to HTML).
Download: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=505
User Manual: http://docs.jamisbuck.org/read/book/4
This release is much improved in accuracy and robustness (at least, for
the Ruby lexer--the XML and YAML lexers were not changed). The Ruby
lexer now deals better with many ambiguous cases, and even supports
multiple heredocs on a single line. It accurately colorizes cgi.rb and
mkmf.rb from the standard lib, if that means anything at all to you.
The Syntax framework also supports "regions" now (thanks to flgr for
the suggestion) and sports many bug fixes (thanks to Carl Drinkwater
for discovering most of them). Syntax regions just allow one group to
span (and include) multiple groups--like a string that includes
interpolated expressions and escape sequences.
For a pretty example (mkmf.rb fully syntax highlighted) see
The next release will include robustness fixes for the XML and YAML
lexers, as well as a lexer for C. Lexers for Perl, Python, Java, HTML,
and RHTML would be nice as well, if I can get to them. Community
submissions will be gladly accepted, as long as you are okay with your
contributed code being distributed under the BSD license.
- Jamis
particular, syntax highlighting) of text. It currently sports lexers
for Ruby, XML, and YAML, and an HTML convertor (for colorizing texts in
those languages to HTML).
Download: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=505
User Manual: http://docs.jamisbuck.org/read/book/4
This release is much improved in accuracy and robustness (at least, for
the Ruby lexer--the XML and YAML lexers were not changed). The Ruby
lexer now deals better with many ambiguous cases, and even supports
multiple heredocs on a single line. It accurately colorizes cgi.rb and
mkmf.rb from the standard lib, if that means anything at all to you.
The Syntax framework also supports "regions" now (thanks to flgr for
the suggestion) and sports many bug fixes (thanks to Carl Drinkwater
for discovering most of them). Syntax regions just allow one group to
span (and include) multiple groups--like a string that includes
interpolated expressions and escape sequences.
For a pretty example (mkmf.rb fully syntax highlighted) see
The next release will include robustness fixes for the XML and YAML
lexers, as well as a lexer for C. Lexers for Perl, Python, Java, HTML,
and RHTML would be nice as well, if I can get to them. Community
submissions will be gladly accepted, as long as you are okay with your
contributed code being distributed under the BSD license.
- Jamis