Mirek Fidler
Website: http://www.ultimatepp.org
Download: http://code.google.com/p/upp-mirror/downloads/list
U++ is BSD licensed C++ cross-platform rapid application development
suite focused on
programmers productivity without sacrificing runtime performance.
Based on strictly deterministic design it provides an alternative to
GC collected platforms,
even for bussines logic oriented problems.
Painter: High quality, "SVG/PDF strength" software renderer
HttpClient improvements
JPGRaster now can read EXIF thumbnails
ODBC SQL interface
Microsoft SQL Server interface improved
Multithreading: ConditionVarable and LazyUpdate classes
LocalProcess class
RichText: EncodeHTML support for superscript, subscript, strikeout
and smallcaps
Mersenne twister based Random
Win32 .pdb debugger:
shows tooltip with values of variables
improved displaying of strings in pdb debugger
watches are remembered, Clear all watches function, Drag&Drop to
Packages can be sorted by name
Packages now can be colored and assigned bold/italic font
Package files underlined if recently changed
SVN support, SVN history of file
Compare with file, compare with patch
New heurestic error recovery of C++ parser
New code navigator bar
Position of Assist parameter info improved
Context go to (Alt+J) now jumps to layout designer when invoked on
layout class template
Topic++ finished; documentation now visible (and editable) as tooltip
annotations of sources
Abbreviations: e.g. type "i" and press Ctrl+[.] to expand it to if
() ;
Icon editor: free angle rotation
"Insert" color or U++ specific includes (.lay, .iml, .tpp group)
Print command (of source files)
Editor: ToUpper/Lower/InitCaps/SwapCase
Download: http://code.google.com/p/upp-mirror/downloads/list
U++ is BSD licensed C++ cross-platform rapid application development
suite focused on
programmers productivity without sacrificing runtime performance.
Based on strictly deterministic design it provides an alternative to
GC collected platforms,
even for bussines logic oriented problems.
Painter: High quality, "SVG/PDF strength" software renderer
HttpClient improvements
JPGRaster now can read EXIF thumbnails
ODBC SQL interface
Microsoft SQL Server interface improved
Multithreading: ConditionVarable and LazyUpdate classes
LocalProcess class
RichText: EncodeHTML support for superscript, subscript, strikeout
and smallcaps
Mersenne twister based Random
Win32 .pdb debugger:
shows tooltip with values of variables
improved displaying of strings in pdb debugger
watches are remembered, Clear all watches function, Drag&Drop to
Packages can be sorted by name
Packages now can be colored and assigned bold/italic font
Package files underlined if recently changed
SVN support, SVN history of file
Compare with file, compare with patch
New heurestic error recovery of C++ parser
New code navigator bar
Position of Assist parameter info improved
Context go to (Alt+J) now jumps to layout designer when invoked on
layout class template
Topic++ finished; documentation now visible (and editable) as tooltip
annotations of sources
Abbreviations: e.g. type "i" and press Ctrl+[.] to expand it to if
() ;
Icon editor: free angle rotation
"Insert" color or U++ specific includes (.lay, .iml, .tpp group)
Print command (of source files)
Editor: ToUpper/Lower/InitCaps/SwapCase