Robert Dober
Hi List
The Verify tool is a KISS verification and test tool, it is inspired
by Ara T. Howard's testy.rb.
Ara however has still implemented a BDD framework, the purpose of
Verify is to provide a Ruby Programmer
with a very simple yet effective tool to test her assumptions about code.
Verify was motivated by a reply to Ara's release post made by Phlip.
Phlip has made an excellent point about assert.
And that very often that is (almost?) all what is needed.
The Verify tool tries to implement exactly that idea and is the
simplest possible tool to do the job (for me).
Verify has the following goals
* Almost nothing to learn, one wrapper method and three test
methods with almost no parameters all save one
# At the end a resume of the verifications with an error message
for each failed verification
# will be printed to stderr or a mocking object.
# Strings and Arrays are fine for that purpose, as the reporter
uses #<< exclusively.
* No metaprogramming, no at_exit hook, execution of the
verification inside a wrapper object, no global namespace pollution,
except the Verify method.
* Wrapper behavior inference to the testee is limited to #verify,
#verify_not and #verify_exceptions.
* Very simple output
* "Last Line Says It All" feature "================" --> all tests
ok, "***************" --> not all tests ok.
require 'verify'
Verify do
verify do 42 end
verify_not do nil end
verify_exceptions NameError do abcdefghijk end
Verify "that the universe is ok" do
verify "this only shows in error reports" do
1 / 0
Ah yeah BTW if someone really wants to download this
There are some people who begin the Zoo at the beginning, called
WAYIN, and walk as quickly as they can past every cage until they get
to the one called WAYOUT, but the nicest people go straight to the
animal they love the most, and stay there. ~ A.A. Milne (from
The Verify tool is a KISS verification and test tool, it is inspired
by Ara T. Howard's testy.rb.
Ara however has still implemented a BDD framework, the purpose of
Verify is to provide a Ruby Programmer
with a very simple yet effective tool to test her assumptions about code.
Verify was motivated by a reply to Ara's release post made by Phlip.
Phlip has made an excellent point about assert.
And that very often that is (almost?) all what is needed.
The Verify tool tries to implement exactly that idea and is the
simplest possible tool to do the job (for me).
Verify has the following goals
* Almost nothing to learn, one wrapper method and three test
methods with almost no parameters all save one
# At the end a resume of the verifications with an error message
for each failed verification
# will be printed to stderr or a mocking object.
# Strings and Arrays are fine for that purpose, as the reporter
uses #<< exclusively.
* No metaprogramming, no at_exit hook, execution of the
verification inside a wrapper object, no global namespace pollution,
except the Verify method.
* Wrapper behavior inference to the testee is limited to #verify,
#verify_not and #verify_exceptions.
* Very simple output
* "Last Line Says It All" feature "================" --> all tests
ok, "***************" --> not all tests ok.
require 'verify'
Verify do
verify do 42 end
verify_not do nil end
verify_exceptions NameError do abcdefghijk end
Verify "that the universe is ok" do
verify "this only shows in error reports" do
1 / 0
Ah yeah BTW if someone really wants to download this
There are some people who begin the Zoo at the beginning, called
WAYIN, and walk as quickly as they can past every cage until they get
to the one called WAYOUT, but the nicest people go straight to the
animal they love the most, and stay there. ~ A.A. Milne (from