Michael Neumann
Wee is another "Web Framework". My concentration was to get the core
right and light. It includes features from Seaside2, Iowa and Borges.
Note, that it's in no way complete, nor usable for anything other than
toy examples (due to very little code, it's probably stable, but
especially with the Html-generation stuff, there might be problems).
You can download the sources directly from viewcvs here:
There are no dependencies. To get started change into the examples
directory and run example.rb, then point your browser to
http://localhost:2000/app/ and have fun, or play with it online here:
You can find some documentation on my blog.
Any comments, bug fixes etc. very welcome!
Many thanks goes to Avi Bryant, who guided me into the right direction
by answering a lot of question. Thanks!
Wee is another "Web Framework". My concentration was to get the core
right and light. It includes features from Seaside2, Iowa and Borges.
Note, that it's in no way complete, nor usable for anything other than
toy examples (due to very little code, it's probably stable, but
especially with the Html-generation stuff, there might be problems).
You can download the sources directly from viewcvs here:
There are no dependencies. To get started change into the examples
directory and run example.rb, then point your browser to
http://localhost:2000/app/ and have fun, or play with it online here:
You can find some documentation on my blog.
Any comments, bug fixes etc. very welcome!
Many thanks goes to Avi Bryant, who guided me into the right direction
by answering a lot of question. Thanks!