Hi folks,
I've just released an XML object wrapper called XMLObject, which aims to
do for XML file handling what SQLObject does for database access.
XMLObject wraps XML files as Python objects, and lets you work with XML
data more quickly and easily, and with code that's shorter and much more
readable than the raw python XML APIs.
It borrows some ideas from 'xml_objectify', but uses none of its code. In
addition to 'xml_objectify', it lets you make changes within the document,
and to save back to an XML file.
I've just released an XML object wrapper called XMLObject, which aims to
do for XML file handling what SQLObject does for database access.
XMLObject wraps XML files as Python objects, and lets you work with XML
data more quickly and easily, and with code that's shorter and much more
readable than the raw python XML APIs.
It borrows some ideas from 'xml_objectify', but uses none of its code. In
addition to 'xml_objectify', it lets you make changes within the document,
and to save back to an XML file.