annaram of word from dictionary



We have a table which has all words and their meaning of
dictionary in are given a word and now find all anagram of that
word and their meaning as well.annagram means like we have word top
then pot is one anngram.

can u suggest me a best optimal algorithms for this


We have a table which has all words and their meaning of
dictionary in are given a word and now find all anagram of that
word and their meaning as well.annagram means like we have word top
then pot is one anngram.

can u suggest me a best optimal algorithms for this

Would you settle for _an_ algorithm instead of best optimal? Besides that,
"best optimal" sounds like there should be only one algorithm, not several.

I would think about putting the dictionary in a tree and using
next_permutation() in <algorithm> for the input data, such as "top".

Victor Bazarov

We have a table which has all words and their meaning of
dictionary in are given a word and now find all anagram of that
word and their meaning as well.annagram means like we have word top
then pot is one anngram.

can u suggest me a best optimal algorithms for this

Read the FAQ 5.2 and the rest of section 5.

Miguel Gimenez

We have a table which has all words and their meaning of
dictionary in are given a word and now find all anagram of that
word and their meaning as well.annagram means like we have word top
then pot is one anngram.

can u suggest me a best optimal algorithms for this

Also, look in your table for the correct spelling of anagram. You wrote
it four times, each with a different spelling.

Gavin Deane

We have a table which has all words and their meaning of
dictionary in are given a word and now find all anagram of that
word and their meaning as well.annagram means like we have word top
then pot is one anngram.

can u suggest me a best optimal algorithms for this

C++ algorithms live in the <algorithm> header. Each anagram is a
different permutation of the letters in the original word and
<algorithm> provides std::next_permutation.

The FAQ explains how to get help with code you are trying to write.

Gavin Deane

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