any news client in Python?


Daniel Han

hello everybody.

i've been looking around for a decent newsreader (not rss)
that's written in Python. Strange, but i found none so far,
i've been to,, and even googled that,
still nothing interesting.

let me know if you know of something.
i know some will tell me to use
gnus and the likes, and forget about
a news client in python, but i'm just
curious to use one.

--Daniel Han--

David Boddie

hello everybody.

i've been looking around for a decent newsreader (not rss)
that's written in Python. Strange, but i found none so far,
i've been to,, and even googled that,
still nothing interesting.

I don't know exactly what you mean by "decent" so it's difficult to be
confident that you'll like what's available.

To start with, there's the NewsFlash (tknf) newsreader:

I wrote my own newsreader for a minority platform, too:

There are probably others lurking in FTP archives.

I have to admit that my own attempt isn't exactly the best example you
could hope for. My excuse is that I had to create my own widget set at
the same time as writing the application. If I still had to use it, I
would probably rewrite it, or at least refactor it severely.



Mentre io pensavo ad una intro simpatica "Daniel Han" scriveva:
hello everybody.
i've been looking around for a decent newsreader (not rss)
that's written in Python. Strange, but i found none so far,
i've been to,, and even googled that,
still nothing interesting.

I know two newsreader written in Python at least.

1) Pyne, it is a mailreader/newsreader. It is good but lacks some charset
related features. I don't remember the url.

2) XPN, it is an on-line newsreader written in Python+GTK2. I wrote it :)
It is at an early stage but is quite usable (better with a local server).
Home page is in my sign, it is in italian, you can also check

Donn Cave

Quoth (e-mail address removed) (David Boddie):
| I wrote my own newsreader for a minority platform, too:
| There are probably others lurking in FTP archives.
| I have to admit that my own attempt isn't exactly the best example you
| could hope for. My excuse is that I had to create my own widget set at
| the same time as writing the application. If I still had to use it, I
| would probably rewrite it, or at least refactor it severely.

That's my story too, but the way I deal with it is to present my
BeOS newsreader and IMAP email reader as a demo application for the
widget set, hence a built-in excuse for its lameness. I never even
got around to the "add group" interface you show there. A really good
newsreader is a lot of work (and of course its users are by definition
the USENET crowd, not people you want to have to deal with!) But it
wasn't much of an issue, because each BeOS user tended to write his
own newsreader for some reason - much easier to tolerate the defects
of your own software, I suppose.

Donn Cave, (e-mail address removed)

Josiah Carlson

That's my story too, but the way I deal with it is to present my
BeOS newsreader and IMAP email reader as a demo application for the
widget set, hence a built-in excuse for its lameness. I never even
got around to the "add group" interface you show there. A really good
newsreader is a lot of work (and of course its users are by definition
the USENET crowd, not people you want to have to deal with!) But it
wasn't much of an issue, because each BeOS user tended to write his
own newsreader for some reason - much easier to tolerate the defects
of your own software, I suppose.

Heh. I had been using a plugin that allowed my email software to do
news...except the plugin was buggy and crashed every 2-3 posts to
newsgroups. I was contemplating writing my own (wxPython's treectrl
would have been perfect for threading, as would a dict for properly
looking up 'in reply to' posts, but I digress), until I decided to give
Mozilla Thunderbird a shot. Damn. Thunderbird is the best news reader
I've had the opportunity to use. I'm even contemplating tossing my old
email client, even though I have around 100 filters for filtering email
from certain people.

My only complaint is that it can be a little laggy on a PII-400. I can

- Josiah

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