So will the RubyInstaller be functionally like the One-click
installer? In other words, I run an install program, without having
to do any building, and it installs my product (along with a Scite
editor or something to easily edit the files)?
Q: So will the RubyInstaller be functionally like the One-click
A: Yes, except it will not bundle 20+ gems and extensions like it
currently does
Q: I run an install program, without having to do any building, and it
installs my product.
A: Yes, as long the gem you install has Windows binaries.
Q: If the gem I try to install has not Windows binaries, what I should
A1: Bug the gem developer and make them use rake-compiler
A2: We will provide a set of development kit that will ease the
building of those, but is not intended for average normal users. Just
under those circumstances.
Q: along with a Scite editor or something to easily edit the files)?
A: Maybe not. Keeping Ruby update to date requires quite of effort.
The SciTE schema files for Ruby will need to be updated to highlight
properly the new 1.9 syntax, which is beyond the scope of One-Click
Installer project.