anyway to make password protected page in blogger?



it doesnt need to be complicated, just enter password box and submit
button, if they get password right they get directed to another web
site, get it wrong it says u got it wrong...

can it be done? if so, what whould code be...shoot and where do i put html section or in page htrml/java box?

Joshua Cranmer

it doesnt need to be complicated, just enter password box and submit
button, if they get password right they get directed to another web
site, get it wrong it says u got it wrong...

can it be done? if so, what whould code be...shoot and where do i put html section or in page htrml/java box?

1. Use proper English grammar/spelling/capitalization in your posts.
This is Usenet, not an AIM chat room. Also note that "HTML" is an
acronym, and should be capitalized, and Java is a proper noun (unless
you're talking about the synonym for coffee). Furthermore, some people
on Usenet may not be native English speakers, and following the basic
rules makes it easier for them. It also aids reading and responding to
your posts.

2. You have given insufficient context to properly answer your question.
I can think of at least three ways to implement password-protection, but
I do not know which one would be feasible in your case.

Authentication can be handled at the HTTP level, through usage of the
appropriate CGI scripts, or at the application level. The HTTP level
requires configuring your server to handle it, and is beyond the scope
of this newsgroup.

At CGI level, your password page would look like:

<form action="passwordpage" method="post">
Username: <input type="text" name="username" /><br />
Password: <input type="password" name="password" /><br />
<input type="submit" />

and your passwordpage would handle it through whatever means (parse the
username/password, authenticate, and redirect if not valid).

Application level (I am assuming through an applet) requires setting up
sockets and handling an authentication protocol.

If you can better explain your needs, we can help you further with your

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