Big Slim
Are instance variables in custom tags thread-safe? I need two different
JSPs to use the same custom tag, so I have a setter method for an
instance variable called "page." The tag does things a bit differently
depending on which page called it.
A Java programmer I know told me I don't have to worry about it as long
as I let the tag "fall out of scope." If I'm not mistaken, though, one
instance of the tag will be created for all threads to share, just like
a servlet, right?
Any clarity on this subject would be greatly appreciated. Thanks--Big
JSPs to use the same custom tag, so I have a setter method for an
instance variable called "page." The tag does things a bit differently
depending on which page called it.
A Java programmer I know told me I don't have to worry about it as long
as I let the tag "fall out of scope." If I'm not mistaken, though, one
instance of the tag will be created for all threads to share, just like
a servlet, right?
Any clarity on this subject would be greatly appreciated. Thanks--Big