Arithmetic problem


Schizoid Man


I have a very strange arithmetic problem in C:

double t = 0.1;
int steps = 10;
double time_step = t / (double)steps;

I would expect the output of time_step to be 0.01000 (my output is of
the form %5.5f), but instead it a very large (and incorrect) negative

Any ideas?


Schizoid Man

Richard said:
Show us a complete program that has the problem.

Hi Richard,

Here's the complete program. Thank you.

(This is the problematic module - any of the values passed to this
function apart from steps, returns a very odd number)

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "binomialtree.h"

double treeNPV(double s, double k, double r, double v, double t, int steps)
double time_step, up, dn, rt, p, npv;
time_step = t / (double)(steps);
rt = exp(r*time_step);
up = exp(v*sqrt(time_step));
dn = 1/up;
p = (rt-dn)/(up-dn);

npv = 0.0;

//for (int i=0; i<=steps; i++)
npv = v;

return npv;

Main modules:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "binomialtree.h"

int main(void)
double s, k, r, v, t;
double call_npv;
int steps;
printf("Enter asset price S: ");
scanf_s("%f", &s);
printf("Enter strike price K: ");
scanf_s("%f", &k);
printf("Enter riskfree rate R: ");
scanf_s("%f", &r);
printf("Enter volatility V: ");
scanf_s("%f", &v);
printf("Enter time to expiry T: ");
scanf_s("%f", &t);
printf("Enter number of steps: ");
scanf_s("%d", &steps);
call_npv = treeNPV(s,k,r,v,t,steps);
printf("Call option NPV is: %5.5f", call_npv);
scanf_s("%d", &steps);
return 0;

Header files:

// stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files,

#pragma once
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>

// binomialtree.h
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define pi 3.141592653589793238

double treeNPV(double s, double k, double r, double v, double t, int steps);

Richard Tobin

Schizoid Man said:
Here's the complete program. Thank you.
scanf_s("%f", &s);

I don't know what scanf_s is. It's not a standard C function.
#include <tchar.h>

And I don't know what tchar.h is.

But if scanf_s is like scanf, then you should be using format %lf
to read into a double.

-- Richard

Xicheng Jia

Schizoid said:
Hi Richard,

Here's the complete program. Thank you.

(This is the problematic module - any of the values passed to this
function apart from steps, returns a very odd number)

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "binomialtree.h"

double treeNPV(double s, double k, double r, double v, double t, int steps)
double time_step, up, dn, rt, p, npv;
time_step = t / (double)(steps);
rt = exp(r*time_step);
up = exp(v*sqrt(time_step));
dn = 1/up;
p = (rt-dn)/(up-dn);

npv = 0.0;

//for (int i=0; i<=steps; i++)
npv = v;

return npv;

Main modules:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "binomialtree.h"

int main(void)
double s, k, r, v, t;
double call_npv;
int steps;
printf("Enter asset price S: ");
scanf_s("%f", &s);

for "double", you may need to use %lf

scanf_s("%lf", &s);

Anyway, dont know what's scanf_s() in your code. there might have some
strange behaviers for some implementations by using scanf() statements
to accept inputs. but if scanf_s() is your self-defined function using
something like fget() and sscanf(), that should be OK:)..

BTW, what's the values of "steps" before and after you enter the
subroutine treeNPV(). gdb is always your friend to check this info. :)


Schizoid Man

Richard said:
And I don't know what tchar.h is.

But if scanf_s is like scanf, then you should be using format %lf
to read into a double.

Hi Richard,

Absolutely right. %lf did the trick. I'm looking at C after ages - I
have a job interview coming up! :)

scanf_s is a method that replaces scanf in the new Visual C++, scanf has
been deprecated. Similarly, for the tchar.h file too.

On another note, can you tell me why the following method are not giving
me Combination results over 12? The following program works fine till 12
and then mysteriously blows up.

unsigned long int factorial(int x) {
if (x==0)
return 1;
else {
unsigned int y;
y = x;
for (int i=x-1; i>=1; i--)
return y;

unsigned long int combin(int n, int r) {
if (r==0 || r==n)
return 1;
if (r==1 || r==n-1)
return n;
if (r>1 && r<n)
return factorial(n)/(factorial(r)*factorial(n-r));

Robert Gamble

Richard said:
I don't know what scanf_s is.

This is part of a Microsoft initiative to make parts of the C library
"safer". There is now a Technical Report dedicated to this initiative
in the hopes of making it Standard some day. Check out for the ugly
details. It is, IMNSHO, completely ass-backwards.
It's not a standard C function.

Let's hope it stays that way.

Robert Gamble

Schizoid Man

Schizoid said:
On another note, can you tell me why the following method are not giving
me Combination results over 12? The following program works fine till 12
and then mysteriously blows up.

Actually, not so mysterious after all - the unsigned int was the
culprit. Replacing that with a long double does the trick.


Coos Haak

Op Sat, 03 Jun 2006 18:01:37 -0700 schreef Schizoid Man:
Hi Richard,

Absolutely right. %lf did the trick. I'm looking at C after ages - I
have a job interview coming up! :)

scanf_s is a method that replaces scanf in the new Visual C++, scanf has
been deprecated. Similarly, for the tchar.h file too.

On another note, can you tell me why the following method are not giving
me Combination results over 12? The following program works fine till 12
and then mysteriously blows up.

12 factorial can fit in 32 bits. 13 factorial won't.

Schizoid Man

Coos said:
12 factorial can fit in 32 bits. 13 factorial won't.

Hi Coos,

I figured that out, albeit after I posted my message.

The function I'm trying to evaluate is Combin(n,r) = factorial(n) /
(factorial (n-r) * factorial (r)).

For some reason, C is blowing up for numbers like Combin(350,170),
whereas Excel is computing these large numbers quite easily. Any


Richard Heathfield

Schizoid Man said:
Hi Coos,

I figured that out, albeit after I posted my message.

The function I'm trying to evaluate is Combin(n,r) = factorial(n) /
(factorial (n-r) * factorial (r)).

For some reason, C is blowing up for numbers like Combin(350,170),

You reckon? :)
whereas Excel is computing these large numbers quite easily. Any

It isn't C that's blowing up. It's your program that's blowing up.

When you're dealing with huge numbers, you have to box clever. The Excel
programmers, it seems, have done so, and you have to do that too.

Let's take a smaller example than C(350,170). Say, C(15,5).

Using your method, the first thing you calculate is 15!, which is
1307674368000, which is way too big to fit into a 32-bit integer.

But you don't have to do it like that.

C(15,5) = 15! / ((15-5)! * 5!), which is 15! / (10! * 5!)

Let's write this out in full:

10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 * 5*4*3*2*1

Cancel 10!, leaving:


Cancel 15s:


Cancel 4s:


Cancel 2s:


This comes to 3003, which is easily within the range of int, and we got
there without having to over-burden any ints with colossal out-of-range

Schizoid Man

Richard said:
Schizoid Man said:
This comes to 3003, which is easily within the range of int, and we got
there without having to over-burden any ints with colossal out-of-range

Hi Richard,

Absolutely right - it's my program that's blowing up. I am evaluation
C(n,r) as n*(n-1)*...*(n-r+1) / r!

However, it seems that even the above expression could use a lot of

Thanks for the input.

Martin Ambuhl

Schizoid said:

I have a very strange arithmetic problem in C:

double t = 0.1;
int steps = 10;
double time_step = t / (double)steps;

I would expect the output of time_step to be 0.01000 (my output is of
the form %5.5f), but instead it a very large (and incorrect) negative

Any ideas?

I suspect that you have misidentified your problem. It's impossible to
tell, since you have not given us compilable code that exhibits your
problem. Try the following, and tell us what happens:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
double t = 0.1;
int steps = 10;
double time_step = t / /* unnecessary (double) */ steps;
printf("%5.5f\n", time_step);
return 0;

When I run the code above, I get:

What do you get?


Schizoid said:
.... snip ...

scanf_s is a method that replaces scanf in the new Visual C++,
scanf has been deprecated. Similarly, for the tchar.h file too.

Don't let yourself be brain washed by Micro$loth. scanf has NOT
been deprecated. scanf_s is NOT a method, it is a non-standard
function. There is a draft technical report n1146.pdf describing
these things.

Using such non-standard things, and such other non-standards as
stdafx.h, only locks your code into the Micro$oft way and is

Some informative links:


Richard said:
Schizoid Man said:

You reckon? :)

It isn't C that's blowing up. It's your program that's blowing up.

When you're dealing with huge numbers, you have to box clever. The
Excel programmers, it seems, have done so, and you have to do that

Let's take a smaller example than C(350,170). Say, C(15,5).

Using your method, the first thing you calculate is 15!, which is
1307674368000, which is way too big to fit into a 32-bit integer.

But you don't have to do it like that.

C(15,5) = 15! / ((15-5)! * 5!), which is 15! / (10! * 5!)

Let's write this out in full:

10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 * 5*4*3*2*1

Cancel 10!, leaving:


Cancel 15s:


Cancel 4s:


Cancel 2s:


This comes to 3003, which is easily within the range of int, and
we got there without having to over-burden any ints with colossal
out-of-range numbers.

As an example of extending usable ranges, especially for
factorials, here is something I cooked up a few years ago:

/* compute factorials, extended range
on a 32 bit machine this can reach fact(15) without
unusual output formats. With the prime table shown
overflow occurs at 101.

Public domain, by C.B. Falconer. 2003-06-22

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>

/* 2 and 5 are handled separately
Placing 2 at the end attempts to preserve such factors
for use with the 5 factor and exponential notation
static unsigned char primes[] = {3,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,
/* add further primes here -->*/
static unsigned int primect[sizeof primes]; /* = {0} */

static double fltfact = 1.0;

unsigned long int fact(unsigned int n, unsigned int *zeroes)
unsigned long val;
unsigned int i, j, k;

#define OFLOW ((ULONG_MAX / j) < val)

/* This is a crude mechanism for passing back values */
for (i = 0; i < sizeof primes; i++) primect = 0;

for (i = 1, val = 1UL, *zeroes = 0; i <= n; i++) {
fltfact *= i; /* approximation */
j = i;
/* extract exponent of 10 */
while ((0 == (j % 5)) && (!(val & 1))) {
j /= 5; val /= 2;
/* Now try to avoid any overflows */
k = 0;
while (primes[k] && OFLOW) {
/* remove factors primes[k] */
while (0 == (val % primes[k]) && OFLOW) {
val /= primes[k];
while (0 == (j % primes[k]) && OFLOW) {
j /= primes[k];

/* Did we succeed in the avoidance */
if (OFLOW) {
fprintf(stderr, "Overflow at %u, %lue%u * %u\n",
i, val, *zeroes, j);
val = 0;
val *= j;
return val;
} /* fact */

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
unsigned int x, zeroes;
unsigned long f;

if ((2 == argc) && (1 == sscanf(argv[1], "%u", &x))) {
if (!(f = fact(x, &zeroes))) {
fputs("Overflow\n", stderr);

printf("Factorial(%u) == %lu", x, f);
if (zeroes) printf("e%u", zeroes);
for (x = 0; primes[x]; x++) {
if (primect[x]) {
printf(" * pow(%d,%d)", primes[x], primect[x]);
printf("or approximately %.0f.\n", fltfact);
return 0;
fputs("Usage: fact n\n", stderr);
} /* main */

Some informative links:

Schizoid Man

CBFalconer said:
As an example of extending usable ranges, especially for
factorials, here is something I cooked up a few years ago:

Thank you very much for the example. You're absolutely right about
non-standard libraries and methods, but I just want to get up and
running with C in time for this interview.

I'm having another odd problem. In the following funcation, I am trying
to dimension an array declaration using a value that is passed to the

double treeNPV(int steps) {

const int array_dim = steps;
double s_price[array_dim][array_dim];


However, I get the following compile errors:
- cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
- expected constant expression

The code looks correct. Or am I missing something very basic again?

Thank you.

Robert Gamble

Schizoid said:
Thank you very much for the example. You're absolutely right about
non-standard libraries and methods, but I just want to get up and
running with C in time for this interview.

Have you read the C FAQ yet? I would strongly recommend that you do so
and try to inderstand as much as possible before your interview, it is
available at said:
I'm having another odd problem. In the following funcation, I am trying
to dimension an array declaration using a value that is passed to the

double treeNPV(int steps) {

const int array_dim = steps;
double s_price[array_dim][array_dim];


However, I get the following compile errors:
- cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
- expected constant expression

The code looks correct. Or am I missing something very basic again?

Prior to C99 the size of an array had to be specified using an integer
constant expression (sometimes referred to as ICE). Despite
appearances, a "const" qualified type is not a constant expression in
C, see FAQ question 11.8. C99 introduced variable length arrays (VLAs)
removing the constant expression requirement, your compiler apparently
doesn't support them (or at least not in the mode in which you are
invoking it). In any case, arrays in C must have a size greater than 0
so you should validate array_dim before using it to declare s_price.

Robert Gamble

Schizoid Man

Robert said:
Schizoid Man wrote:
Have you read the C FAQ yet? I would strongly recommend that you do so
and try to inderstand as much as possible before your interview, it is
available at <>.

Hi Robert,

I'll take a look at it. Probably more useful that inundating this forum.

It's not a programming job, though the interview will test some computer
science and I believe C is the language of choice. Unfortunately, I am
an Excel/VBA/VB monkey at work, so my C is rusty at best.

Thank you for the suggestion.


this is the simple program sohwin u r problem
but i go the correct answer....

int main()
double t = 0.1;
int steps = 10;
double time_step = t / (double)steps;
printf("%5.5f\n", time_step);
return 0;

the output of this prog is 0.01000

Richard Tobin

scanf_s is a method that replaces scanf in the new Visual C++, scanf has
been deprecated. Similarly, for the tchar.h file too.

Microsoft can "deprecate" whatever it likes, if but you follow them
you will restrict your code to Microsoft operating systems.

-- Richard

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