I need to create something like a matrix, say 32 bits on each row and
up to 4 rows.
That's why on my Spartan3 I have to receive 32 bits word from a serial
port and I have to store them (I know I can just place a 32x4 bits long
vector and store the data in the same row, but I'd like to learn more
about array of array).
I wrote:
type row is array (cmd_buffer_word downto 0) of std_logic;
type cmd_buffer is array (cmd_buffer_depth downto 0) of row;
now, how could I transfer the whole 32 bits data inside a vector called
cmd_tmp_buffer into the second row of my cmd_buffer?
This following line is wrong, but it may help you understand what I'm
trying to do:
cmd_buffer(1, 31 downto 0) <= cmd_tmp_buffer(31 downto 0);
I need to create something like a matrix, say 32 bits on each row and
up to 4 rows.
That's why on my Spartan3 I have to receive 32 bits word from a serial
port and I have to store them (I know I can just place a 32x4 bits long
vector and store the data in the same row, but I'd like to learn more
about array of array).
I wrote:
type row is array (cmd_buffer_word downto 0) of std_logic;
type cmd_buffer is array (cmd_buffer_depth downto 0) of row;
now, how could I transfer the whole 32 bits data inside a vector called
cmd_tmp_buffer into the second row of my cmd_buffer?
This following line is wrong, but it may help you understand what I'm
trying to do:
cmd_buffer(1, 31 downto 0) <= cmd_tmp_buffer(31 downto 0);