From reading old posts, I see it is not possible to have an array of
generic-width std_logic_vector in an entity. I've seen some of the work
arounds, including using the type std_logic_matrix, but I'm not
entirely happy with them (none of them are straightforward).
Are there any plans to allow unconstrained arrays to have unconstrained
elements? Something like...
type arrayofstdlv_t is array (natural range<>) of std_logic_vector;
Such that, I could have an entity like,
entity myentity is
generic (
depth: integer;
width: integer
port (
x : in arrayofstdlv_t(depth-1 downto 0)(width-1 downto 0);
end entity myentity;
I'm trying to implement something like this now, and I really don't
want to unwrap a generic array of std_logic_vector's to one long
generic depth*width length vector to implement it.
What does everyone else do in practice for writing generic models?
generic-width std_logic_vector in an entity. I've seen some of the work
arounds, including using the type std_logic_matrix, but I'm not
entirely happy with them (none of them are straightforward).
Are there any plans to allow unconstrained arrays to have unconstrained
elements? Something like...
type arrayofstdlv_t is array (natural range<>) of std_logic_vector;
Such that, I could have an entity like,
entity myentity is
generic (
depth: integer;
width: integer
port (
x : in arrayofstdlv_t(depth-1 downto 0)(width-1 downto 0);
end entity myentity;
I'm trying to implement something like this now, and I really don't
want to unwrap a generic array of std_logic_vector's to one long
generic depth*width length vector to implement it.
What does everyone else do in practice for writing generic models?