No it doesn't. The condition in an if must have type bool.
There is an implicit conversion of pointer to bool, which is
basically the equivalent of "p != NULL". Code like "if (p)" may
be unreadable, and it's not the sort of thing you'd ever see in
well written C++, but it is perfectly legal and well defined.
I've never heard of a compiler with such an *option*. The
language standard requires that all objects with static storage
duration be "zero initialize" before the program starts. "Zero
initialized" means, basically, that each low level type is
initialized as if 0 were assigned to it. Again, there is a
special conversion, so that the integer value 0 converts to a
null pointer; even if null pointers aren't all bits 0, a pointer
with static storage duration is guaranteed to be initialized
with a null pointer value. (The one exception is in a union.
Only the first element of a union is zero initialized.)
You don't have to get carried away:
if ( p == NULL )
if ( p == 0 )
work perfectly well, and are perfectly readable.
I doubt that it was written in C++. In C++, dereferencing a
null pointer results in undefined behavior; on typical desktop
machines, it will cause a fatal program crash (core dump, in
Of course, since the behavior is undefined, an implementation is
free to do whatever it wants, including raise an exception.
IMHO, that would not be very good from a QoI point of view, but
it would certainly be conforming (as would be formatting your
hard disk).
James Kanze (GABI Software) email:
[email protected]
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