I had a new production envrionment running ASP pages, and after 4 days in
production, I am getting HTTP1.1/ New Application Failed error.
Old environment which worked OK:
Windows 2000 Server with SP3, IIS5 with lock down tool
ODBC connection from ASP to SQL Server: connection string is
driver={SQL Server};server=yjbweblive;uid=Publications;pwd=publications;
New Environment which failed today:
Windows 2000 Server with SP4, IIS5 with lock down tool
OLE DB Connection
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security
Info=False;Initial Catalog=Publications;Data Source=Production
A quick search on the Internet reveals that this kind of problem occurs with
1) Bad Global.asa file
2) Inefficient use of database connections (e.g. connections not closed)
3) Someone also suggested that changing the "Application configuration" in
IIS from Medium (Pooled) to either High or Low
The global.asa file we have not changed and contains:
<script language="vbscript" runat="server">
sub Session_OnStart
session.Timeout = 30
end sub
The database connections, as indicated above has been updated to use ADODB
connections instead of ODBC.
I also experienced an HTTP/500 error yesterday which resulted in a fix to
change the CursorLocation of the ADORecordSet from adUseServer to
Note, however, that the first request which result in the above error is for
an ASP file which has not been updated yesterday (for CursorLocaiton)
1) How could I track down the cause of the problem?
2) What would be the impact of changing the "Applicaiton Protection" in IIS
production, I am getting HTTP1.1/ New Application Failed error.
Old environment which worked OK:
Windows 2000 Server with SP3, IIS5 with lock down tool
ODBC connection from ASP to SQL Server: connection string is
driver={SQL Server};server=yjbweblive;uid=Publications;pwd=publications;
New Environment which failed today:
Windows 2000 Server with SP4, IIS5 with lock down tool
OLE DB Connection
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security
Info=False;Initial Catalog=Publications;Data Source=Production
A quick search on the Internet reveals that this kind of problem occurs with
1) Bad Global.asa file
2) Inefficient use of database connections (e.g. connections not closed)
3) Someone also suggested that changing the "Application configuration" in
IIS from Medium (Pooled) to either High or Low
The global.asa file we have not changed and contains:
<script language="vbscript" runat="server">
sub Session_OnStart
session.Timeout = 30
end sub
The database connections, as indicated above has been updated to use ADODB
connections instead of ODBC.
I also experienced an HTTP/500 error yesterday which resulted in a fix to
change the CursorLocation of the ADORecordSet from adUseServer to
Note, however, that the first request which result in the above error is for
an ASP file which has not been updated yesterday (for CursorLocaiton)
1) How could I track down the cause of the problem?
2) What would be the impact of changing the "Applicaiton Protection" in IIS