I have text link on each record displayed. This needs to open a new
small window for entering some data, I cannot seem to fix it ?
Hyperlink Code as is:
..... RS("Manual") & "</td><td><a
href=javascriptnclick=NewWindow('JobSerial.asp?JobNumber=" &
RS("JobNumber") & "', 700, 600)>Create JobSheet</a></TD></TR>"
Javascript function in HEAD as is:
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
function NewWindow(pagename, pwidth, pheight) {
if (!pwidth) {
pwidth = 600
if (!pheight) {
pheight = 480
msgWindow=window.open(pagename,"quality","toolbar=no,width=" + pwidth
+ ",height=" + pheight +
Please let me know what I have done wrong.
I have text link on each record displayed. This needs to open a new
small window for entering some data, I cannot seem to fix it ?
Hyperlink Code as is:
..... RS("Manual") & "</td><td><a
href=javascriptnclick=NewWindow('JobSerial.asp?JobNumber=" &
RS("JobNumber") & "', 700, 600)>Create JobSheet</a></TD></TR>"
Javascript function in HEAD as is:
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
function NewWindow(pagename, pwidth, pheight) {
if (!pwidth) {
pwidth = 600
if (!pheight) {
pheight = 480
msgWindow=window.open(pagename,"quality","toolbar=no,width=" + pwidth
+ ",height=" + pheight +
Please let me know what I have done wrong.