... If Lanem doesn't understand it, he would be much better off
researching it than having it spoon-fed to him. In my opinion,
spoon-feeding people the essentials is patronizing and a disservice.
As usual you miss the point even though I do agree with your premise --
somewhat -- because I choose to accept the 'ancient Chinese secret' that
suggests "if you give a man a fish you have fed him for a day, when you
teach a man to fish you have fed him for a lifetime" but your inference
suggesting your philosophy is not consistent with that adage and is thus
disengenuous as your rarely if ever teach anybody anything except to provide
persons with the insight that you conduct yourself as a pompous @ss who
profers pithy statements contending they are helpful. This is especially
noticeable when a person seeking help returns and clearly says they do not
No, I am not a 'high end developer' but I do consider myself a curious and
hard working intermediate who does have 'unofficial' university transcripts
I would put up against anything you may have to offer if one-upmanship is
the game you want to play. So tell me, do you want to put up or shut up? I
am not ashamed of my grades in computer science, math, physics, philosophy,
architecture and other areas of interest to me and I have no shame in not
knowing what I have yet to learn and master.
So the point is again, put up or shut up. Your personal ideas of 'help' are
often insufficient to what most need and are asking for. As I suggested, all
you may need yourself is a simple press of your reset button. Then again,
you may fear doing so as it just as well may result in the black screen of
death. Hurting people's feelings by reminding them how ignorant they may be
in comparsion to your presumed vast repository of knowledge is not very
helpful. It seems to me that you consider yourself to be the Great Wizard of
The End.
<%= Clinton Gallagher
METROmilwaukee (sm) "A Regional Information Service"
NET csgallagher AT metromilwaukee.com