At least by the group title, this seems like a question for
dotnet.framework.aspnet.caching but that group seems pretty slow.
I'm trying to sort things out with a co-worker. We've got some classes that
implement some in-memory caches with static Hashtable members. My
understanding is that a static Hashtable may be shared between threads in
the worker process but that it won't span multiple worker processes.
I'm not sure about the System.Web.Caching.Cache class. You can't
instantiate one of your own, so I'm not sure if there's something buried down
in the framework to make this work across processes in a garden.
Also not sure if you can achieve better sharing by putting a C# class in the
Application scope (sorry if that's nonsensical; I haven't actually put
objects in application scope since classic asp).
At least by the group title, this seems like a question for
dotnet.framework.aspnet.caching but that group seems pretty slow.
I'm trying to sort things out with a co-worker. We've got some classes that
implement some in-memory caches with static Hashtable members. My
understanding is that a static Hashtable may be shared between threads in
the worker process but that it won't span multiple worker processes.
I'm not sure about the System.Web.Caching.Cache class. You can't
instantiate one of your own, so I'm not sure if there's something buried down
in the framework to make this work across processes in a garden.
Also not sure if you can achieve better sharing by putting a C# class in the
Application scope (sorry if that's nonsensical; I haven't actually put
objects in application scope since classic asp).