Hello I have a working code for asp that I want to use now in asp.net.
The code is included below.
With this code I create a red bar on the bottom of an image, in which
I give some comment on the image and the URL of the website. In the
code image.asp I define the file name of the image (img), the comment
(txt) and the url (url). In the later stage in the project, this info
will be created dynamically depending on the requested image. The code
of sendbinary creates on the fly a new image, based on the 3
I want to have this code now in vb.net to use it in my new asp.net web
application. Calling the current sendbinary.asp from an asp.net page
doesn't work.
Can someone please help me to rewrite this code?
Many thanks in advance!
--- Code of image.asp ---
<TITLE>AspJpeg - Image with comment in red bar</title>
img = Server.URLEncode(Server.MapPath("img014.jpg"))
txt = Server.URLEncode("014 Comment on bottom of image")
url = Server.URLEncode("www.domain.com")
<IMG src="sendbinary.asp?img=<%=img%>&text=<%=txt%>&url=<%=url%>"><BR>
--- End of code test.asp ---
--- Code of sendbinary.asp ---
Set Jpeg = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg")
Set OK = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg")
OK.Width = Jpeg.Width
OK.Height = Jpeg.Height + 21
OK.DrawImage 0, 0, Jpeg
OK.Canvas.Font.Color = &HFFFFFF 'white
OK.Canvas.Font.Family = "Arial"
OK.Canvas.Font.Size = 16
OK.Canvas.Print 10, Jpeg.Height+2, Request("text")
OK.Canvas.Print Jpeg.Width-134, Jpeg.Height+2, Request("url")
OK.Quality = 95
--- End of code sendbinary.asp ---
The code is included below.
With this code I create a red bar on the bottom of an image, in which
I give some comment on the image and the URL of the website. In the
code image.asp I define the file name of the image (img), the comment
(txt) and the url (url). In the later stage in the project, this info
will be created dynamically depending on the requested image. The code
of sendbinary creates on the fly a new image, based on the 3
I want to have this code now in vb.net to use it in my new asp.net web
application. Calling the current sendbinary.asp from an asp.net page
doesn't work.
Can someone please help me to rewrite this code?
Many thanks in advance!
--- Code of image.asp ---
<TITLE>AspJpeg - Image with comment in red bar</title>
img = Server.URLEncode(Server.MapPath("img014.jpg"))
txt = Server.URLEncode("014 Comment on bottom of image")
url = Server.URLEncode("www.domain.com")
<IMG src="sendbinary.asp?img=<%=img%>&text=<%=txt%>&url=<%=url%>"><BR>
--- End of code test.asp ---
--- Code of sendbinary.asp ---
Set Jpeg = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg")
Set OK = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg")
OK.Width = Jpeg.Width
OK.Height = Jpeg.Height + 21
OK.DrawImage 0, 0, Jpeg
OK.Canvas.Font.Color = &HFFFFFF 'white
OK.Canvas.Font.Family = "Arial"
OK.Canvas.Font.Size = 16
OK.Canvas.Print 10, Jpeg.Height+2, Request("text")
OK.Canvas.Print Jpeg.Width-134, Jpeg.Height+2, Request("url")
OK.Quality = 95
--- End of code sendbinary.asp ---