Assignment operator



string s = "original string";

s = "new string";
s.assign("another new string");

Is there any difference using above two way to assign a new string to s?

class Derived : public Base

Base b;
Derived d;
list<Base> mylist;

Is assignment operator called? If true, whose operator is called, Base's or

b = d;

Whose assignment operator called, Base's or Derived's?

Thank you very much!

Cy Edmunds

al said:
string s = "original string";

s = "new string";
s.assign("another new string");

Is there any difference using above two way to assign a new string to s?

class Derived : public Base

Base b;
Derived d;
list<Base> mylist;

Is assignment operator called?

No, d should be copied into a new node using Base's copy constructor.
If true, whose operator is called, Base's or

b = d;

Whose assignment operator called, Base's or Derived's?

Thank you very much!

You're welcome. Hope I got everything right! :)

Dan Cernat

al said:
string s = "original string";

s = "new string";
s.assign("another new string");

Is there any difference using above two way to assign a new string to s?

the result is the same: s gets the new value. how it is done is
implementation dependant.
class Derived : public Base

Base b;
Derived d;
list<Base> mylist;

Is assignment operator called? If true, whose operator is called, Base's or

b = d;

Whose assignment operator called, Base's or Derived's?

yes, the assignment operator is called. Since you store Base objects in your
list, the d object will be trimmed down into a Base object and the
Base::eek:perator= will be called. thje list will store only teh Base portion
of the d object.

to store various objects in a container, use pointers to their base (they
have to have the same base)

list said:
Thank you very much!


Dan Cernat

I read Cy's answer and I realised that I gave one answer for two questions.
See below

Dan Cernat said:
the result is the same: s gets the new value. how it is done is
implementation dependant.

yes, the assignment operator is called. Since you store Base objects in your
list, the d object will be trimmed down into a Base object and the
Base::eek:perator= will be called. thje list will store only teh Base portion
of the d object.
The paragraph above should be (disregard the mumbling about list):
yes the assignment operator is called. the d object will be trimmed down
into a Base object and the Base::eek:perator= will be called.
to store various objects in a container, use pointers to their base (they
have to have the same base)

list <Base *> mySmartList;

this is correct


Jeff Schwab

al said:
string s = "original string";

s = "new string";
s.assign("another new string");

Is there any difference using above two way to assign a new string to s?

Grep your header. Here's what mine says:

operator=(const basic_string& __str) { return this->assign(__str); }

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