Gyro said:
Thank you for explanation.
The problem is I old c&pascal&basic&assembler programmer
I've also used all those languages, and many more.
They're all different, and need different 'mindsets'
when using them. Realizing that should help greatly
with learning a new language (e.g. when learning
BASIC, don't try to 'think' in assembly or Pascal).
and relative
new in c++ (not in C).
I also consider myself a 'newcomer' to C++. That's
why I read so many books about it.
Stroustrup`s book is one of the bad books that I
seen ever (paradoxal, isn`t it?)
I don't think it's a 'bad' book at all. I think it's
very good. Is it difficult to understand? For me, yes,
many parts of it are. But imo that's not a failing of the book,
but of me. My solution: read it again and again, practice, and
read *other books*. I find having something explained from more
than one perspective to be invaluable when learning something new.
- he is covers all aspects, but
without any explanation WHY this is invented or where it may be
Check out Stroustrup's "Design and Evolution of C++" (often
referred to as "D&E") for those kinds (e.g. 'why') of issues.
So his books like Linear algebra course - pure theoreticcal
and uninteresting for readers.
Why would you say theory is 'uninteresting for readers'?
For many/most (especially technical) disciplines, understanding
theory is critical for effectively applying them.
Furtermore, i think his approach is
Perhaps it is, for *you*. Others find it a very good one.
Try different books. No book (however 'good' it might be)
is the best for everyone. See for peer
reviews and recommendations.
Starting with templates, namespaces, stl... Instead of normal
progressive narration with explanations why is this invented
As far as I can tell, TCPPL's goal is not to explain 'why',
but 'how'.
and where
this is usable....
The book is full of examples.
Anyway, with a subject as vast as C++, I would never try
to get all the knowledge about it from a single source,
even if it's from the inventor himself. I own no less
than two dozen C++ books. (Yes, I know not everyone has
the money for that. That's what libraries are for.