I have a rabbitmq queue full of requests and I want to send the
requests as an HTTP GET/POST asynchronously, without the need to wait
for each request response. now I'm confused of what is better to use,
threads or just EM ? The way i'm using it at the moment is something
like the following , but it would be great to know if there is any
better implementation with better performance here since it is a very
crucial part of the program :
AMQP.starthost => "localhost") do |connection|
queue = MQ.queue("some_queue")
queue.subscribe do |body|
EventMachine::HttpRequest.new('http://localhost:9292/').post :body
=> {:message => body.to_json }
With the code above, is the system will wait for each request to
finish before starting the next one ? and if there any tips here I
would highly appreciate it
requests as an HTTP GET/POST asynchronously, without the need to wait
for each request response. now I'm confused of what is better to use,
threads or just EM ? The way i'm using it at the moment is something
like the following , but it would be great to know if there is any
better implementation with better performance here since it is a very
crucial part of the program :
AMQP.starthost => "localhost") do |connection|
queue = MQ.queue("some_queue")
queue.subscribe do |body|
EventMachine::HttpRequest.new('http://localhost:9292/').post :body
=> {:message => body.to_json }
With the code above, is the system will wait for each request to
finish before starting the next one ? and if there any tips here I
would highly appreciate it