Juan T. Llibre said:
You can build Windows Services with *any* version of VS.NET.
I have a class that I use for my emails as a namespace for my asp.net
program. It accesses my Sql Server as well as uses the CDO to send the mail
from my asp.net server (W2003 server).
Can I use this .dll for my Windows Service?
The Source looks something like:
Imports System
Imports System.Web
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Web.SessionState
Imports System.Web.Mail
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Web.HttpCookie
Imports System.Web.HttpCookieCollection
Imports System.Web.HttpResponse
Imports System.Web.HttpRequest
imports System.Web.HttpContext
Imports System.Web.HttpApplication
Imports System.Web.HttpApplicationState
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
NameSpace MyFunctions
Public Class Email
Public Shared sub sendEmail ( body as string, emailType as string,
emailTitle as String)
dim webMasterEmail As String
dim emailSubject As String
Dim mailServer As String
Dim contactEmail As String
Dim screenTestSubject As String
Dim subject as String
Dim emailReader As SqlDataReader
Dim ConnectionString as String
Dim objConn as New SqlConnection (ConnectionString)
Dim CommandText as String = "Select
MailServer,WebMasterEmail,ContactEmail,ScreenTestSubject,ResumeSubject from
emailResponse where ClientID = '1234'"
Dim objCmd as New SqlCommand(CommandText,objConn)
emailReader = objCmd.ExecuteReader
if emailReader.Read then
mailServer = emailReader("MailServer")
webMasterEmail = emailReader("WebMasterEmail")
contactEmail = emailReader("ContactEmail")
subject = emailReader("ScreenTestSubject")
select case emailType
case "Resume"
subject = emailReader("resumeSubject")
end Select
end If
dim URLPath As String = _
Left(Current.request.path, InStrRev(Current.request.path, "/") - 1)
Dim objStreamReader as StreamReader
Dim strInput As String
Dim strBuffer As String
objStreamReader =
strInput = objStreamReader.ReadLine()
while strInput <> nothing
strBuffer = strBuffer & strInput
strInput = objStreamReader.ReadLine()
end while
end if
Dim Message As New MailMessage()
message.To = contactEmail
message.From = webMasterEmail
message.Subject = subject
message.body = body
strInput = strBuffer.replace("#MESSAGE#",message.Body)
strInput = strInput.replace("#MAILTITLE#",emailTitle)
message.Body = strInput
message.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html
SmtpMail.SmtpServer = mailServer
end sub
end class
end NameSpace
I compile it from the command line:
vbc /t:library email.vb /r:system.web.dll /r:system.data.dll /r:system.dll
Would I need to take out the web stuff to make it work?