Hi, I’d be grateful if anyone could advise on whether an application
is available to do the following for VHDL models.
1. Make a replica copy of a selected multi-file and hierarchical VHDL
2. Modify each VHDL file in the copied hierarchical VHDL model
(possibly using the make file sequence), in order to bring all (or
selected) signals to the top level VHDL entity.
3. Steps:
a. modify each VHDL files in turn to bring every (or selected)
internal signal as an output signals in VHDL entity
b. Modify the associated component declarations within package files
to reflect the modified entity ports
c. Rebuild the VHDL hierarchy adding the new output ports to all
entities in the hierarchy
d. Modify all port map assignments to mirror the extended entity
My application requires interpreting any existing VHDL model,
selecting signals from within the VHDL model to bring to the top level
entity in order to connect to a series of display devices. I do not
wish to modify the underlying VHDL code.
is available to do the following for VHDL models.
1. Make a replica copy of a selected multi-file and hierarchical VHDL
2. Modify each VHDL file in the copied hierarchical VHDL model
(possibly using the make file sequence), in order to bring all (or
selected) signals to the top level VHDL entity.
3. Steps:
a. modify each VHDL files in turn to bring every (or selected)
internal signal as an output signals in VHDL entity
b. Modify the associated component declarations within package files
to reflect the modified entity ports
c. Rebuild the VHDL hierarchy adding the new output ports to all
entities in the hierarchy
d. Modify all port map assignments to mirror the extended entity
My application requires interpreting any existing VHDL model,
selecting signals from within the VHDL model to bring to the top level
entity in order to connect to a series of display devices. I do not
wish to modify the underlying VHDL code.