list. rb
[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]
It's been a while but it feels good to be back.
I have a quick question for the group:
Given the following:
content = [
["something special a", "ok cool a", "tahsnk a"],
["something specccccccccial a", "ok cooooool a", "tahsnk a"]
content.each {|i|
puts i.join("\t")
#something special a ok cool a tahsnk a
#something specccccccccial a ok cooooool a tahsnk a
I would like to print this out as such:
something special a ok cool a tahsnk a
something specccccccccial a ok cooooool a tahsnk a
I remember seeing a module or example like this somewhere.. Any ideas? I was
thinking it was pretty print at first but after looking, I guess not?
It's been a while but it feels good to be back.
I have a quick question for the group:
Given the following:
content = [
["something special a", "ok cool a", "tahsnk a"],
["something specccccccccial a", "ok cooooool a", "tahsnk a"]
content.each {|i|
puts i.join("\t")
#something special a ok cool a tahsnk a
#something specccccccccial a ok cooooool a tahsnk a
I would like to print this out as such:
something special a ok cool a tahsnk a
something specccccccccial a ok cooooool a tahsnk a
I remember seeing a module or example like this somewhere.. Any ideas? I was
thinking it was pretty print at first but after looking, I guess not?