Craig Street
How do i create a base page in ASP.NET 2.0? I don't want to use master pages
as I don't need any visual inheritance.
You could do this simply in ASP.NET 1.1 by creating a base page that
inherted form System.Web.UI.Page and then ensuring that all of your pages
inherited from your own base page.
With the advent of partial classes this seems somewhat more difficult.
I've got the following code
public partial class Default_aspx : BasePage
where BasePage is a custom base page that I have created, but I get the
following error when i try and compile
CS0263: Partial declarations of 'Default_aspx' must not specify differenet
base classes
How do i create a base page in ASP.NET 2.0? I don't want to use master pages
as I don't need any visual inheritance.
You could do this simply in ASP.NET 1.1 by creating a base page that
inherted form System.Web.UI.Page and then ensuring that all of your pages
inherited from your own base page.
With the advent of partial classes this seems somewhat more difficult.
I've got the following code
public partial class Default_aspx : BasePage
where BasePage is a custom base page that I have created, but I get the
following error when i try and compile
CS0263: Partial declarations of 'Default_aspx' must not specify differenet
base classes