


Hey, Im kind of new to C++ and I'm working on making a Battleship
program. I need to be able to output a screen with just dots on it for
when people havent tried those spots and then be able to switch it with
the characters in my array after they have been picked. This is the
code I have so far. Right now all all I want to do is make a game where
you have to sink the computers ships in less than 50 turns. Thanks for
any help that I get.

void battleShip::play()
char map [8][8];

map[0][0] = '*';
map[0][1] = '*';
map[0][2] = '*';
map[0][3] = 'x';
map[0][4] = 'x';
map[0][5] = 'x';
map[0][6] = 'x';
map[0][7] = 'x';
map[0][8] = 'x';

map[1][0] = 'x';
map[1][1] = 'x';
map[1][2] = 'x';
map[1][3] = 'x';
map[1][4] = 'x';
map[1][5] = 'x';
map[1][6] = 'x';
map[1][7] = 'x';
map[1][8] = 'x';

map[2][0] = 'x';
map[2][1] = 'x';
map[2][2] = 'x';
map[2][3] = 'x';
map[2][4] = 'x';
map[2][5] = 'x';
map[2][6] = 'x';
map[2][7] = 'x';
map[2][8] = '*';

map[3][0] = 'x';
map[3][1] = 'x';
map[3][2] = 'x';
map[3][3] = 'x';
map[3][4] = 'x';
map[3][5] = '*';
map[3][6] = 'x';
map[3][7] = 'x';
map[3][8] = '*';

map[4][0] = 'x';
map[4][1] = 'x';
map[4][2] = 'x';
map[4][3] = 'x';
map[4][4] = 'x';
map[4][5] = '*';
map[4][6] = 'x';
map[4][7] = 'x';
map[4][8] = '*';

map[5][0] = 'x';
map[5][1] = 'x';
map[5][2] = 'x';
map[5][3] = 'x';
map[5][4] = 'x';
map[5][5] = '*';
map[5][6] = 'x';
map[5][7] = 'x';
map[5][8] = 'x';

map[6][0] = 'x';
map[6][1] = '*';
map[6][2] = '*';
map[6][3] = 'x';
map[6][4] = 'x';
map[6][5] = '*';
map[6][6] = 'x';
map[6][7] = 'x';
map[6][8] = 'x';

map[7][0] = 'x';
map[7][1] = 'x';
map[7][2] = 'x';
map[7][3] = 'x';
map[7][4] = 'x';
map[7][5] = 'x';
map[7][6] = 'x';
map[7][7] = 'x';
map[7][8] = 'x';

map[8][0] = 'x';
map[8][1] = 'x';
map[8][2] = '*';
map[8][3] = '*';
map[8][4] = '*';
map[8][5] = '*';
map[8][6] = '*';
map[8][7] = 'x';
map[8][8] = 'x';

cout<< endl;

cout<< " RADAR SCREEN " <<endl;
cout<< " |=====================================| " <<endl;
cout<< " | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | " <<endl;
cout<< " |1 . . . . . . . . . | " <<endl;
cout<< " |2 . . . . . . . . . | " <<endl;
cout<< " |3 . . . . . . . . . | " <<endl;
cout<< " |4 . . . . . . . . . | " <<endl;
cout<< " |5 . . . . . . . . . | " <<endl;
cout<< " |6 . . . . . . . . . | " <<endl;
cout<< " |7 . . . . . . . . . | " <<endl;
cout<< " |8 . . . . . . . . . | " <<endl;
cout<< " |9 . . . . . . . . . | " <<endl;
cout<< " |=====================================| " <<endl<<endl;

for(z=0; z<50; z++)

cout<< " Enter the coordinates to fire at: ";
cin>> x;
cin>> y;

cout<< map[x-1][y-1];



Jonathan Mcdougall

gonzo86 said:
Hey, Im kind of new to C++ and I'm working on making a Battleship
program. I need to be able to output a screen with just dots on it for
when people havent tried those spots and then be able to switch it with
the characters in my array after they have been picked. This is the
code I have so far. Right now all all I want to do is make a game where
you have to sink the computers ships in less than 50 turns. Thanks for
any help that I get.

We'd be happy to help you, but what is your question?



Im just not sure exactly how to print a 2d array so that it would look
like the board and be able to change the different dots on it every
time someone guessed the position.

Jonathan Mcdougall

gonzo86 said:
Im just not sure exactly how to print a 2d array so that it would look
like the board and be able to change the different dots on it every
time someone guessed the position.

Please quote the message you are answering to.

I guess you are looking for a way to specify a coordinate to output a
character; this is impossible in standard C++ (the subject of this
newsgroup). See

for more informations. You'll probably be disappointed by the graphical
possibilities of standard C++, but that's the way it is. One standard
way would be to output the grid one cell after the other, checking
what's in it and displaying the correct symbol. To "clear the screen",
just ouput a few empty lines and output the whole grid again.



Ian Collins wrote:
Doing what? Please quote as Jonathan asked.

Im just not sure exactly how to print a 2d array so that it would look
like a battleship board and be capable of changing the different dots
on it every
time someone guessed the position to whether it was a hit or miss.

Ian Collins

gonzo86 said:
Ian Collins wrote:
Doing what? Please quote as Jonathan asked.

Im just not sure exactly how to print a 2d array so that it would look
like a battleship board and be capable of changing the different dots
on it every
time someone guessed the position to whether it was a hit or miss.
Not in a standard way, assuming you want to redraw the screen. There
just isn't a standard way of doing this.

So you can either redraw the grid, scrolling down the screen each time,
or use a terminal manipulation library specific to your platform.

By the way, to quote correctly on google, see


gonzo86 said:
Ian Collins wrote:
Doing what? Please quote as Jonathan asked.

Im just not sure exactly how to print a 2d array so that it would look
like a battleship board and be capable of changing the different dots
on it every
time someone guessed the position to whether it was a hit or miss.

Hard coded numbers aside....:

for( unsigned y = 0;
for( unsigned x = 0; x < 9; ++x )
cout << map[ x ][ y ];
cout << "\n";


gonzo86 said:
Ian Collins wrote:
Doing what? Please quote as Jonathan asked.

Im just not sure exactly how to print a 2d array so that it would look
like a battleship board and be capable of changing the different dots
on it every
time someone guessed the position to whether it was a hit or miss.

Hard coded numbers aside....:

for( unsigned y = 0; y < 9; ++y )
for( unsigned x = 0; x < 9; ++x )
cout << map[ x ][ y ];
cout << "\n";

Jonathan Mcdougall

gonzo86 said:
Are there any ways of just using standard C++ to do this that would be

(just to make sure you got the message :), please quote correctly)

No. Standard C++ has no way of manipulating the ouput of the "console"
(whatever that is). Understand that standard C++ strives to be portable
amongst a large spectrum of different platforms, some of them having no
notion of "console" (or "terminal", or even "screen"). The same thing
applies to "keyboard", "thread", "network", "sound", etc.

As I said, you can however use std::cout (which sends character to the
standard output, which is the "screen" on most modern machines, but may
be anything) to output characters, but you cannot specify *where* you
can put them: a character goes just after the last one you put.

So you have several solutions:

1) use a combination of spaces, new lines and graphical characters to
simulate the grid
2) use a library to manipulate the console (some of these libraries may
be portable to some extent, but are by no means "standard")
3) use platform specific features to manipulate the console (non

If you decide to use 2 or 3, this newsgroup won't be able to help you
as these libraries are not topical here.

Good luck,


Kaz Kylheku

gonzo86 said:
Hey, Im kind of new to C++ and I'm working on making a Battleship
program. I need to be able to output a screen with just dots on it for
when people havent tried those spots and then be able to switch it with
the characters in my array after they have been picked. This is the
code I have so far. Right now all all I want to do is make a game where
you have to sink the computers ships in less than 50 turns. Thanks for
any help that I get.

void battleShip::play()
char map [8][8];

map[0][0] = '*';

Learn about initializer syntax:

char map[9][9] = {
/* ... and so on */

map[0][1] = '*';
map[0][2] = '*';
map[0][3] = 'x';
map[0][4] = 'x';
map[0][5] = 'x';
map[0][6] = 'x';
map[0][7] = 'x';
map[0][8] = 'x';

Your array has 8 columns. There are 9 integers in the range [0,8], so
you are trying to initialize 9 columns.

In other words, the array declared as map[8][8] only goes up to
map[8][8] = 'x';

By the time this line is reached, your program has, many statements
ago, accessed beyond the end of the object, resulting in undefined

Nonportable. This line assumes that there is a command interpreter, and
that it accepts a CLS command, and that this CLS command does what you
think it does.

Jim Langston

gonzo86 said:
Hey, Im kind of new to C++ and I'm working on making a Battleship
program. I need to be able to output a screen with just dots on it for
when people havent tried those spots and then be able to switch it with
the characters in my array after they have been picked. This is the
code I have so far. Right now all all I want to do is make a game where
you have to sink the computers ships in less than 50 turns. Thanks for
any help that I get.

void battleShip::play()
char map [8][8];

map[0][0] = '*';
map[0][1] = '*';
map[0][2] = '*';
map[0][3] = 'x';
map[0][4] = 'x';
map[0][5] = 'x';
map[0][6] = 'x';
map[0][7] = 'x';
map[0][8] = 'x';

your 8x8 map goes from [0][0] to [7][7]. [0][8] is out of bounds.

Use initializer a someone showed you, or use a for loop. I would initialize
everything to 'x' first then add the '*' where I wanted them.

for ( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
for ( j = 0; j < 8; ++j )
map[j] = 'x';

Now your entire 2x2 grid is full of 'x's which I believe you are using for
empty. Now you can fill them up however you want probably using for loops.


This may work on your system, but be aware it may not work on all. That is,
if your teacher is going to run this on linux it's not going to work.
cout<< endl;

cout<< " RADAR SCREEN " <<endl;
cout<< " |=====================================| " <<endl;
cout<< " | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | " <<endl;
cout<< " |1 . . . . . . . . . | " <<endl;
cout<< " |2 . . . . . . . . . | " <<endl;
cout<< " |3 . . . . . . . . . | " <<endl;
cout<< " |4 . . . . . . . . . | " <<endl;
cout<< " |5 . . . . . . . . . | " <<endl;
cout<< " |6 . . . . . . . . . | " <<endl;
cout<< " |7 . . . . . . . . . | " <<endl;
cout<< " |8 . . . . . . . . . | " <<endl;
cout<< " |9 . . . . . . . . . | " <<endl;
cout<< " |=====================================| " <<endl<<endl;

Use the for loops again. First print your static stuff.

cout<< " RADAR SCREEN " <<endl;
cout<< " |=====================================| " <<endl;
cout<< " | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | " <<endl;

Now the rest of the lines are going to change. A few ways to do this.

for ( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
cout << " |" << i << " ";
for ( j = 0; j < 8; ++j )
if ( map[j] == 'x' )
cout << ". ";
else if ( map[j] == '*' )
cout << "* ";
cout << "? ";
cout << " |" << endl;
cout<< " |=====================================| " <<endl<<endl;

There may be bugs in this code (there probably is) but it should give you
the general idea. If you don't understand it, study your text book more.
My intention is not to do your homework for you, but to help you understand
how you can do this. If you don't understand the code, don't use it please.

Default User

Jonathan said:
Default User wrote:

This should be in the FAQ by now...

I've considered approaching Marshall about adding something to the
posting guidelines section.


Default User

Jonathan said:

But I haven't done so?

I'm not sure how the group at large feels about the situation. On
comp.lang.c, it's obvious, the group is pretty militant about
instructing the Google users. Here it's a bit more hit and miss.


Jonathan Mcdougall

Default said:
But I haven't done so?

I'm not sure how the group at large feels about the situation. On
comp.lang.c, it's obvious, the group is pretty militant about
instructing the Google users. Here it's a bit more hit and miss.

I personally think it would be a good idea, not only we'd stop
repeating the same thing, but it could actually educate some (provided
they read the faq before posting here, which is another discussion).


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