Best IDE for Python?



I want to know which is the best IDE for python.Please if
possible mention the features of the IDE.
Thank You.

Dennis Lee Bieber

I want to know which is the best IDE for python.Please if
possible mention the features of the IDE.

The best IDE is the one that YOU can be most productive in. What /I/
find useful may not be of interest to /you/.

Fredrik Lundh

Dennis said:
The best IDE is the one that YOU can be most productive in. What /I/
find useful may not be of interest to /you/.

nonsense. emacs is the best tool for everyone!


Fredrik Lundh

Dennis said:
The best IDE is the one that YOU can be most productive in. What /I/
find useful may not be of interest to /you/.

nonsense. vim is the best tool for everyone!


Robert Kern

Fredrik said:
nonsense. emacs is the best tool for everyone!

Fool! vim+zsh is obviously superior in every way! ;-)

Robert Kern
(e-mail address removed)

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
an underlying truth."
-- Umberto Eco

Fredrik Lundh

bruno said:
Nonsense ! *Ed* is the the standard editor !

unless you're on Windows, where edlin is the true standard editor.

as you can see, Microsoft's usability team has made some massive
improvements (note how well it deals with the "eat flaming death"

C:\> edlin
Filename missing.

C:\> edlin spam
New file.
Syntax error.
Do you want to abort (Yes=Y, No=N)? n
Syntax error.

C:\>edlin spam
End of input file.
Syntax error.
*eat flaming death

C:\>edlin foo
End of input file.



Syntax error.
Syntax error.



Duncan Booth

Fredrik said:
as you can see, Microsoft's usability team has made some massive
improvements (note how well it deals with the "eat flaming death"

I especially like the way running it messes up the prompt:

C:\Documents and Settings\Duncan>edlin
File name must be specified


Yup, wanting to run something that archaic means you must also want to not
see those fancy filenames.

bruno at modulix

Duncan said:
Fredrik Lundh wrote:

I especially like the way running it messes up the prompt:

C:\Documents and Settings\Duncan>edlin
File name must be specified


Yup, wanting to run something that archaic means you must also want to not
see those fancy filenames.

Fancy filenames ? WHO needs fancy filenames ? FANCYF~1.EXT filenames
should be enough for anybody !-)


On a more useful note, I'll assume you're not already a vim or emacs
zealot, since you are asking the question ;-) and give my tips:

SPE seems to be the best (free) python IDE out there at the moment,
though the text editor component is pretty basic. I personally use
jEdit, since it has a superb editor component, and Python plugins which
make developing in python very comfortable, such as a (cpython and
jython) debugger, and a Jython plugin which allows scripting of jEdit
in python (well, jython - so you'll miss a few of the newer language
features when scripting jEdit itself.

None of the pure python IDE's/editors out there come close to the likes
of jEdit, vim or emacs in terms of pure editing power.


I have recently been trying out NewEdit, and it is a pretty good "IDE"
for Python.

The reason that I have it in quotes is because I haven't really found a
true IDE (like the way Eclipse behaves for Java) for python. (I
realize that Eclipse has a plug-in for Python, too).


To me, it just doesn't behave the same way as Eclipse for java. I have
used the plug-in, and I usually use it on my home machine ( I am still
a student). For example, in Java eclipse, if you import a module like
math, then if you want to use a math function, you just type math +
period, and then all the functions pop up in a scroll menu. I love
this. I am not searching through online documentation...etc just to
find some stupid method/function that I know is there. It doesn't seem
to behave like this for Python....I wish it did.

I still love programming in Python, though.


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