I want to get the top and left values for a div on the screen.
As Peter Michaux replied to you, your description of the problem for
which you require assistance is not accurate, too general. An URL
would have helped. And maybe, just maybe, you may be wrongly using
offsetLeft and offsetTop to get the left and top values of a div on
the screen. We can't be sure of this without a real webpage, URL.
I have been using the code to calculate the top and left values.
var total1 = 0;
var total2 = 0;
First, the while statement does not make sense.
You want an element (which is going to execute the controlled block)
that has offsetTop and offsetLeft values to do the controlled block.
Therefore, your while statement should be
while (element.offsetParent) {..controlled block..}
meaning as long as the current element being examined has an non-null
Second, using a try.. catch does not perfection make sense from a
debugging perspective and from a property detection support. Let's say
the assignment fails because the current element being examined in
that while block does not have an offsetParent: why should it
generates an exception or an error object? Anyway, try.. catch is for
managing exceptions, for debugging purposes. At least, this is what I
would want to do when choosing to add a try...catch. And here, you do
not even try to identify the error message, error line, type of error,
etc.. So why resort to a try..catch block anyway?
Third, your local variable identifiers (total1, total2) are not
recommendable. You should always try to choose identifiers for
variables that are meaningful, intuitive, that helps debugging, code
maintenance, examining in debugging tools, that helps review by others
who may not be accustomed to your internal function logic (or help
review by yourself years later). This helps everyone and can make a
huge difference when the code is very long, complex, with many
intricated functions.
Here's how I did the same function 7 years ago:
var Element = evt.target ;
var CalculatedTotalOffsetLeft = CalculatedTotalOffsetTop = 0 ; while
CalculatedTotalOffsetLeft += Element.offsetLeft ;
CalculatedTotalOffsetTop += Element.offsetTop ;
Element = Element.offsetParent ;
} ;
OffsetXForNS6 = evt.pageX - CalculatedTotalOffsetLeft ;
OffsetYForNS6 = evt.pageY - CalculatedTotalOffsetTop ;
For the same DOM TREE this code is giving a performance reading of
30msec in IE8 and 80 to 200msec in IE6. I want to gain a considerable
performance improvement in IE6.
IE6 <sigh .. Why do you need to support IE6?>. Imagine that people
are less and less using that browser and that IE8 implemented an
improved offsetParent, offsetLeft and offsetTop model.
With those numbers, don't you want to tell your IE6 users to upgrade
or to switch? It would solve many many problems...
"30msec in IE8 and 80 to 200msec" does not mean much if we do not know
on which machine (CPU, RAM, video card, etc) these results are
gathered from. 30msec is very long for a super-computer and 200msec is
very fast on a Pentium 1 90Mhz.
If nodeA is an area HTML element which has a map HTML element
somewhere in the ancestor chain, then nodeA.offsetParent returns the
nearest ancestor map HTML element... but that is not the case in IE 7;
IE8 corrected this.
If an element has no offsetParent, then its offsetLeft value must be 0
and its offsetTop value must be 0 ... but that is not the case in IE6.
Post an URL. Make sure your webpage is using valid markup code
(including a doctype declaration, preferably declaring a strict DTD),
uses valid CSS code.
Also, read the comp.lang.javascript FAQ on posting code:
By the way I also tried
var total1 = 0;
var total2 = 0;
An assignment in a while clause is not recommendable, at least,
definitely not my recommendation. Some assignment may succeed and
return 0 (and be resolved as false while the assignment is successful
and correct).
Same thing with assignment in a if clause:
if(a = b)
may succeed but the value may be resolved as false because b == 0.
Some other regular posters may help me here on this precise issue.
after reading a blog entry or two. The performace is similar.
Why is performance important to you, with regards to offsetTop and
offsetLeft and with regards to IE 6?
Please elaborate.
(There is such a thing has having an overexcessive number of
positioned containers (like nested tables)... in a very bloated
I found that the bulk of the time is always spent in getting property
value rather than parsing the DOM TREE which less constantly from my
logs.(I might be wrong)
Post an URL according to the constraints I gave you.
And if you are open to all ideas, then add a IE6nomore or IE6RIP
button in your webpage so that people get the message that IE6 is
buggy, not recommendable, etc. should upgrade or switch.
Also the code I have put here is on the fly....might have made
Well, whose fault is it then? Are you asking to get code answers on
the fly as well... with possible mistakes too?
The better the code you post, the more valuable the responses will
Thank you Peter Michaud for speaking up my mind.