This one is UNIX emulation built for Windows.
Well, anyway, just wanted to point that out.
Yes, the tools are often available, though the quality or usefulness
can vary. (I know -- my first year at this job I had to use windows,
so I installed cygwin and kde 1.1.2 (twm is worse) and used that. In
many ways it wasn't as good as a real unix system, but it was the best
I had then) Still, the usage style is still UNIX
. Most Windows
people look for all-in-one programs (IDEs and such) and tend not to
plug-n-play with combinations of tools.
Other than that, Unix/Linux is a bloody great platform. I'm in the
process of learning to use it (Debian) and I love its transparency.
If it wasn't for specific software, I would have a single-boot Linux
. (I like debian as well)
Oh, btw, the .sig is randomly generated automatically. Just for one
more remark -- typical UNIX design in software (examples like mutt or
tin) is for the user to specify a program to run which will provide,
via the pipe interface, and delegate the actual generation to a
dedicated program. This sort of design and thinking is what I meant
by "UNIX" is the development tool. (that or you develop on unix and
test everywhere, which is pretty much what I did with the wxPython
school project I mentioned earlier that was tested (and ran) on Debian
and Win2k)
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