BMP32 for linux


Djames Suhanko

Hello, all!
Did you know the bmp32 module for linux? This module can to load bmp
image with alpha channel where is not supported others images formats.
But I couldn't to found this module to install in my linux box. :-(
do you have tips?

Thanks !

Djames Suhanko

Thank you for answer, Scott !

The python in my embbeded system have not support to others formats. :-(
Then, I found a tip about bmp32 with alpha channel, but I don't have
this module (bmp32) in Ubuntu.

I'm using the cx_Freeze to compile my program, but when I put them in
my embbeded system, the png images aren't supported anymore.

I did use of pygame.image.get_extended() function. In my desktop it
return 1, but when put in my system, this function returns 0.

Do you have some tip more?
Thank you again!!

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