Helpful person
I have written my web site using FrontPage and have disvovered that
apart from producing code that does not validate it also creates a
horrible structure. I have been teaching myself HTML reasonably
successfully and have almost completed rewriting my web. However, a
major gap in my knowledge is javascript.
I am completely new to javascript and wish to learn this language. I
am looking for a book suitable for a beginner javascript user. (I
have extensive experience in other languages.) I paticularly need a
book that defines the syntax (It's driving me crazy trying to figure
it out without a good reference).
Your suggestions will be appreciated.
www.richardfisher.com (awful frontpage version)
apart from producing code that does not validate it also creates a
horrible structure. I have been teaching myself HTML reasonably
successfully and have almost completed rewriting my web. However, a
major gap in my knowledge is javascript.
I am completely new to javascript and wish to learn this language. I
am looking for a book suitable for a beginner javascript user. (I
have extensive experience in other languages.) I paticularly need a
book that defines the syntax (It's driving me crazy trying to figure
it out without a good reference).
Your suggestions will be appreciated.
www.richardfisher.com (awful frontpage version)