can someone be so kind to point out some good perl books? I've
programmed in perl for a few years now but only to write small scripts
etc. and never went deep down to even find out stuff like proper use
of regex or parsing long strings for repeat patterns etc. Any help
would be appreciated.
In my opinion, the best book not on a beginner level is 'Higher Order
Perl' by Mark Jason Dominus. You can get it for free at
but I strongly recommend buying it, not least because it encourages
others to write such books.
You can also obtain books for special topics, like the Perl DBI, Perl
CGI, networking, object oriented Perl, data munging, best practices,
Perl and TK, and so on. Speaking for myself, the two most important
books in my Perl development are data munging by Cross, and Perl and
MySQL by Dubois, although both of these books are regarded poorly by
the Perl community as a whole.
Finally, the most essential 'book' is the Perl documentation. I
constantly keep this open on my computer, and have been known to
actually print dead tree copies of particular sections and study them.
You really can't consider this as a text -- the purpose isn't (in most
cases) to instruct -- but the documentation is the one thing that
every Perl developer should know and love.