Knute said:
Reading the OP's original post, I think he wants to send a signal to all
of his clients to get them to start sending in data. Seems like the
perfect use of multicast to me.
Excpet that, as I mentioned, almost nothing supports multicast, so the
packets will never reach their destination.
Multicasting is kind of an orphan in the TCP/IP spec. It was intended
to solve a problem no one really had, or wanted to solve. As far as I
know, it'll be like pulling teeth to get any network administrators to
configure their networks to support this, if it's even possible at all.
And if you have to go through an ISP or 3rd party network, forget it.
I could be all wrong, but I'd check with whoever is in charge of the
routers and gateways you'll have to go through before I wrote any lines
of code at all.